Tag Archives: en

Vancouver Insurrectionary Solidarity

Last night all 6 windows were smashed at a Starbucks and a newspaper box tossed was into the street. This was done in Solidarity with all comrades engaged in the struggle and the o[p]pression from the recent Mayday events and raids. This is the second time in as many weeks its been smashed to shit.

Anti- Capitalist Unite!

fuck the state.
fuck capital.
its e[a]sy to attack!


from Anarchist News


en/es – Social transformation- or the abolition of society by Feral Faun

“Society…1. a group of persons who have the same customs, beliefs, etc. or live under a common government and who are thought of as forming a single community… 3. all people, when thought of as forming a community in which each person is partly dependent on all the rest” Webster’s New World Dictionary
Continue reading en/es – Social transformation- or the abolition of society by Feral Faun

en/it – Greece: CCF – Bullets of words for the bullets of FAI/FRI

It is a wonderful moment, the moment that the enemy kneels and falls from the determination of your brothers and sisters. A few days ago Roberto Adinolfi, CEO-magister of the nuclear energy company Ansaldo Nucleare, was shot by our brothers and sisters of the Olga Cell of the Informal Anarchist Federation (FAI)–International Revolutionary Front (FRI).
Continue reading en/it – Greece: CCF – Bullets of words for the bullets of FAI/FRI

The Quest for the Spiritual: A Basis for a Radical Analysis of Religion – Feral Faun

by Feral FaunThis civilized, technological, commodity culture in which we live is a wasteland. For most people, most of the time, life is dull and empty, lacking vibrancy, adventure, passion and ecstasy. It’s no surprise that many people search beyond the realm of their normal daily existence for something more. It is in this light that we need to understand the quest for the spiritual.
Continue reading The Quest for the Spiritual: A Basis for a Radical Analysis of Religion – Feral Faun

en/it – Declaration written by Nikos Maziotis, a member of Revolutionary Struggle – 24th October 2011.



[Stop deception – Fighters are not terrorist]

translated from Italian by act for freedon now/B.pd
This is a political trial against revolutionaries who chose armed struggle to overthrow capitalism, the State, and the criminal regime which you, as judges, are here to defend.

Continue reading en/it – Declaration written by Nikos Maziotis, a member of Revolutionary Struggle – 24th October 2011.

Nikos Maziotis Statement to the Athens Criminal Court July 1999

Statement to the Athens Criminal Court July 1999
The following text is the translation of what Nikos Maziotis said to the court during his trial which took place on the 5th to 7th of July 1999 in Athens, Greece. He was convicted and given a 15-year prison sentence for ‘attempted explosion with danger for human lives’ and ‘possession of guns and explosives’ for his action of placing a bomb in the Ministry of Industry and Development on December 12, 97, in solidarity with the revolt of the villages in Strymonikos against the installation of a gold metallurgy by multinational company TVX GOLD.

Continue reading Nikos Maziotis Statement to the Athens Criminal Court July 1999