Category Archives: repression

Two anti-fascists remanded 4th of July, after an incident at club “Barrikada” in Moscow

4th of July, at Presnenski district court of Moscow, judge Dmitry Dolgopolov fulfilled request of the police to imprison two of the six anti-fascists, who were remanded in night of second of July, not far from club “Barrikada”. 23 year old Irina Lipskaya and 19 year old Andrey Molchanov, suspected of having committed crimes according to statute of Russian criminal codex 213 part 2 (hooliganism, committed with a group of people).
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The Final Straw – The Case of the Cleveland 5: The FBI, Entrapment & the construction of Terrorists

From The Final Straw, July 15, 2012:

This week’s conversation features a discussion of the case of the Cleveland 5, anarchists arrested in Ohio on April 30th for allegedly attempting to blow up a bridge. But the case isn’t so simple as idealists independently taking direct and spectacular action against infrastructure.
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Transnacionales españolas y territorios indígenas

Con motivo de la reciente celebración de la Conferencia de Naciones Unidas Río+20, el Grupo de Articulación de la Cumbre de los Pueblos que, en paralelo a esa conferencia, reunió a cientos de organizaciones sociales y a miles de hombres y mujeres de todo el mundo, emitió diferentes pronunciamientos. En uno de estos documentos denunciaba abiertamente que el fallido modelo económico “pretende someter todos los ciclos vitales de la naturaleza a las reglas del mercado y al dominio de la tecnología, la privatización y mercantilización de la naturaleza”.
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