Tag Archives: antifa

Two anti-fascists remanded 4th of July, after an incident at club “Barrikada” in Moscow

4th of July, at Presnenski district court of Moscow, judge Dmitry Dolgopolov fulfilled request of the police to imprison two of the six anti-fascists, who were remanded in night of second of July, not far from club “Barrikada”. 23 year old Irina Lipskaya and 19 year old Andrey Molchanov, suspected of having committed crimes according to statute of Russian criminal codex 213 part 2 (hooliganism, committed with a group of people).
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Cremona – Visita notturna a militante di Casapound, minacce fasciste al Csa Dordoni

Apprendiamo dai quotidiani locali che, nella notte tra il 12 e il 13 luglio, in via Castelforte a Crema, sul muro dell’abitazione di un militante dell’organizzazione neofascista Casapound è stata vergata la scritta “Fasci Appesi”, mentre i vetri della sua vettura andavano in frantumi.
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Sventata aggressione fascista al CSA Dordoni

Nella notte tra venerdì 13 e sabato 14 luglio, due auto con a bordo otto fascisti armati, hanno tentato di assaltare il CSA Gastone Dordoni. La vile aggressione è stata sventata grazie alla determinazione e alla prontezza dei compagni presenti al centro sociale che erano intenti a coordinate le attività politico/culturali dell’Estate Autogestita. Queste sono le pratiche adottate abitualmente dai fascisti. Conseguenza dell’agibilità che la giunta Perri ha sempre concesso a gruppi che esplicitamente si richiamano , nell’azione come nell’ideologia,  al fascismo più bieco e razzista. Nessuna azione squadrista fermerà le nostre lotte.



Prozess gegen Frankfurter Antifaschisten in Gießen

Am 16.07. findet im Gießener  Amtsgericht um 12:00 Uhr ein Prozess gegen einen Frankfurter Antifaschisten statt. Ein Jahr nachdem  in Gießen Hunderte versuchten gegen ein massives Polizeiaufgebot den Aufmarsch der Nazis zu verhindern, soll nun einem Antifaschisten der Prozess gemacht werden. Kommt zum Amtsgericht in Gießen!
Bahntreffpunkt: 9:50 Uhr / Gleis 15 / Hbf Frankfurt
> Zug fährt ab um 10:22 Uhr
> Zustieg in Friedberg um 10:45 Uhr / Gleis 4
> Ankunft in Gießen um 11:11 Uhr
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Η νεοναζιστική Χρυσή Αυγή που πρόσφατα απέκτησε κοινοβουλευτική εκπροσώπηση, αποκρύπτοντας νεοναζιστικά σύμβολα και πουλώντας «αντισυστημικό» πατριωτισμό, χρησιμοποιεί τη κρίση για να αφομοιώσει δυσαρεστημένα κομμάτια της κοινωνίας βάζοντας στο στόχαστρο τα πιο εξαθλιωμένα κομμάτια της.
Continue reading Τρίτη 17 Ιουλίου: ΑΝΤΙΦΑΣΙΣΤΙΚΗ ΠΟΡΕΙΑ

Neonazi gathering in the city of Agrinio fought off local anti-fascists; Nazi MP beaten

Source in Greek

On Monday night (July 9) approximately 40 nazis of the Golden Dawn had gathered in a cafe in the city of Agrinion, Western Greece. A few moments later, anti-fascists who were informed of the gathering met up nearby and stormed the cafe; after the clash that followed, the nazis were forced to a hastily retreat. Among the nazis injured was their local MP. No injuries were reported on the side of the anti-fascists, and no arrests.

After the Greek Riots