Tag Archives: en

en es – Summary of day 22 (Friday, June 22) of 2nd Halandri Case trial

Comrades Giorgos Nikolopoulos, Michalis Nikolopoulos, and Christos Tsakalos—in a gesture of solidarity with Olga Economidou, who has been locked up in solitary confinement at Diavata Prison for 49 days—demanded that the trial be suspended. Comrade Damiano Bolano also submitted the same demand in writing, since he didn’t attend the trial in person.
Continue reading en es – Summary of day 22 (Friday, June 22) of 2nd Halandri Case trial

en/it – Extensive police operation in Thessaloniki against anarchist spaces; at least 34 detentions so far

This morning (July 2nd) saw an extremely extensive police operation in the city of Thessaloniki, targeting the local anarchist scene. As of 13:00 GMT+2, the information we’ve got is the following:
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The Camps Under the Heavens by Adonide (Diavolo In Corpo)

The tradition of the oppressed teaches us

that the state of exception in which we live is the rule.

We must achieve a concept of history that corresponds to this fact.

—Walter Benjamin


    The concept of Rights is a huge apparatus that creates exclusion, that is based on exclusion, and yet the chorus of protest against every sort of exclusion merely demands rights, hoping that the heaven of Rights extends itself to newer and newer lands. In fact, democracy is conceived as this progressive conquest of newer and newer spaces. This is why it is not only defended, but also exported. The of legal acknowledgements must cover more of the possibilities and aspirations of individuals every day. An individual who has his rights is a citizen, which is to say a being who has the right of citizenship in the democratic City.

    With the most varied intentions, many are waiting for a renewal of democracy.
Continue reading The Camps Under the Heavens by Adonide (Diavolo In Corpo)

Revolutionary Struggle – chronology, more other texts



–Text information from the 3 members of Revolutionary Struggle for comrades from Europe who respondes to the international call of solidarity (october 2011)

–Statement of the three members of Revolutionary Struggle to the Court on 12/12/2011

–Whose Justice Will Judge The Just?
Continue reading Revolutionary Struggle – chronology, more other texts