n New Orleans, just outside the French Quarter, there’s a bit of stenciled graffiti on a fence that reads: “Men Rape.” I used to pass by this nearly every day. The first time I saw this, it pissed me off because I knew the graffitist would define me as a ‘man’ and I have never desired to rape anyone. Nor have any of my bepenised friends.
Continue reading en/it/es – The Ideology of Victimization – Feral Faun
Tag Archives: en
Communiqué for bombing at Puente Alto Police Courthouse
From Liberación Total (July 10, 2012):
What’s really the Point?
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Prisoner Art Exhibition this Sunday @ Kebele Bristol
Prisoner Art Exhibition Open Night @ Kebele Social Centre
Sunday 15th July @ 6:30pm
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(en/es/fr)- A communique by a comrade on the run, Diego Rios, from some unknown part of the world (2009)
Agrinio, Greece: Apertus squat attacked by fascists
On July 10th, just one day after a direct action was carried out successfully by antifascists in the town of Agrinio, a very dangerous arson attack on Apertus squat took place. Here follows the squatters’ communiqué:
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FAI / IRF : Do not say that we are few / Non dite che siamo pochi
‘Do not say that we are few’
[A verse by Lee Kwang Su, from the statement by theItalian Informal Anarchist Federation]
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Call For Papers – Jurnal Kontinum (Indonesia)
Jurnal Kontinum
An Indonesian-based Biannual Anti-Authoritarian Journal
Year IV No # 06, September 2012
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(it/en/es) – Appello internazionale della CCF/ Federazione Anarchica Informale
Ai prigionieri anarchici
Il carcere è il paese dei prigionieri. Da qui vogliamo inviare i nostri saluti ai compagni imprigionati in tutto il mondo e dare l’avvio ad una proposta.
Continue reading (it/en/es) – Appello internazionale della CCF/ Federazione Anarchica Informale
A Female Nihilist: The true story of the nihilist Olga Liubatovitch – Sergei Stepniak
On the 27th of July, in the year 1878, the little town of Talutorovsk, in Western Siberia, was profoundly excited by a painful event. A political prisoner, named Olga Litibatovitch, miserably put an end to her days. She was universally loved and esteemed, and her violent death therefore produced a most mournful impression throughout the town, and the Ispravnik, or chief of the police, was secretly accused of having driven the poor young girl, by his unjust persecutions, to take away her life.
Continue reading A Female Nihilist: The true story of the nihilist Olga Liubatovitch – Sergei Stepniak