‘Do not say that we are few’
[A verse by Lee Kwang Su, from the statement by theItalian Informal Anarchist Federation]
Continue reading FAI / IRF : Do not say that we are few / Non dite che siamo pochi
‘Do not say that we are few’
[A verse by Lee Kwang Su, from the statement by theItalian Informal Anarchist Federation]
Continue reading FAI / IRF : Do not say that we are few / Non dite che siamo pochi
Ai prigionieri anarchici
Il carcere è il paese dei prigionieri. Da qui vogliamo inviare i nostri saluti ai compagni imprigionati in tutto il mondo e dare l’avvio ad una proposta.
Continue reading (it/en/es) – Appello internazionale della CCF/ Federazione Anarchica Informale
In my travels over the past several months, I have talked with many anarchists who conceive of anarchy as a moral principle. Some go so far as to speak of anarchy as though it were a deity to whom they had given themselves–reinforcing my feeling that those who really want to experience anarchy may need to divorce themselves from anarchism.
Continue reading en/es – The Cops In Our Heads: Some thoughts on anarchy and morality by Feral Faun
Nei compagni anarchici c’è un rapporto ambivalente con il problema dell’organizzazione.
Continue reading Affinità e organizzazione informale (di Alfredo M. Bonanno)
Noi non possediamo una nozione fissa di tempo. Quella astronomica è una delle tante nozioni aritmetiche che vengono vissute dall’individuo in modo diverso e ciò in relazione alla sua situazione.
Continue reading Tempo – Alfredo M. Bonanno
Der in der Schweiz inhaftierte Anarchist Marco Camenisch hat eine erste Korrespondenz verfasst bezüglich der “Operazione Ardire“. Er ist einer der Beschuldigten in diesem wahnwitzigen Konstrukt gegen Anarchist_innen in Italien, der Schweiz, Deutschland und Griechenland.
Continue reading Marco Camenisch: Zur jüngsten Antianarchistischen Konstruktion in Italien
Prison of Genoa, 20th day of isolation – 2nd July 2012
Continue reading Operation Ardire – Peppe’s communiqué from the prison of Marassi (Ιtaly)
“Estamos en guerra. Contra el Estado, el Capital y sus defensores. Los que legitiman el papel de la autoridad y su opresión, votando, pidiendo más seguridad, más policía, consumiendo mierda.”
Continue reading El hermoso camino hacia la Libertad Absoluta
J’ai ressenti la nécessité d’écrire cette brève réflexion sur les deux communiqués que j’ai lu jusqu’à présent et qui cherche à “défendre” les personnes impliquées dans différentes opérations (dans ce cas-ci la récente opération Ardire) et qui envoie de la solidarité (mettant souvent leurs mains en l’air et se dissociant immédiatement de tout actes ou attaques, laissant voir à tout le monde qu’ils “n’ont rien à voir avec cela”).
Continue reading Italie : Brève note de Tomo sur deux questions