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Tag Archives: en
BRUSSELS, BELGIUM Demonstration for Greece 13/6/12
Translated by Act for freedom now!
Demonstration for Greece
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en fr – Railroad sabotage during big capitalist conference in Montreal (Canada)
‘The Nihilist Attack’ by Federico Buono (Edizioni Cerbero)
This text was written during the feverish days of my trial for aggravated theft.
I’ve never wanted to know anything about such trial nor did I ask anybody about its result.
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Convocatoria mundial a solidarizar con lxs compas del G8
El 13 de julio se llevará a cabo, en la “Corte di Cassazione” de Roma, la última instancia de juicio del proceso contra 10 de los compañeros y compañeras condenados por la participación en los enfrentamientos de Génova, en julio del 2001 (Cumbre del G8).
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Athens: Responsibility claim for incendiary attacks by the Revolutionary Groups of Terror Dispersion (CCF/FAI-IRF)
The following extract is dedicated to anarchist revolutionaries Yannis Michailidis and Dimitris Politis, who are wanted by the authorities for suspected participation in the anarchist revolutionary organization CCF and will never give themselves up! May our fires give you strength and our ashes hide your traces, brothers.
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Documentaries about the prosecution of anarchists in Belarus are now available in internet in English
English version of the documentaries “Disregarding The Law” and “Anarchy. Direct action. Impartial” version are now available in the internet.
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Call for solidarity with Belarusian political prisoners 30th of June – 2nd of July
It has been a long time since the last call for solidarity with the Belarusian anarchists appeared ( Today we have to admit that the new wave of solidarity is needed urgently to help them out from the prison. That’s why we call you to participate in days of action in solidarity with Belarusian political prisoners from June 30 to July 2.
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en gr – Greece: Responsibility claim for sabotage of CCTV cameras in the city of Volos
During the past month, we destroyed 14 private surveillance cameras in the wider area of Volos.
Continue reading en gr – Greece: Responsibility claim for sabotage of CCTV cameras in the city of Volos
‘The Sun Still Rises’ by the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire: Imprisoned Members Cell
Continue reading ‘The Sun Still Rises’ by the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire: Imprisoned Members Cell