Tag Archives: en

en/es – The Bourgeois Roots of Anarcho-Syndicalism by Feral Faun

“We favor the development of a worker’s movement based on direct democracy, not just because it will be more effective in the present day fight against the employing class, but also because it foreshadows – and lays the basis for – a society of freedom and equality, without authoritarianism or exploitation.
–from a flyer put out by the Workers Solidarity Alliance, an anarcho-syndicalist organization.
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Montreal, QC: Action in solidarity with G20 prisoners

from montreal counter-info:

The month of June, 2012 marks two years since the G20 summit in Toronto and the courageous resistance shown to it. It also marks the sentencing of our comrade Charles Bicari to seven months behind bars for smashing the windows of two police cars, two stores and an ATM with a hammer. To mark the occasion, we spent a few evenings spreading anti-system and solidarity slogans with the G20 prisoners in the streets of Montreal.
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Thessaloniki: Letter from the 13 arrested comrades (Greece)

Monday 2nd of July, 6 a.m

The pogrom operation of the Thessaloniki Police Headquarters begins… Executed by numerous cops of almost all kinds, under the leadership of the ‘State Security Police Department’. The new super-production of the Greek police contains invasions into houses and places where comrades work, as well as a spectacular invasion in Orfanotrofeio Squat and the arrest of people that were arriving in solidarity, from the streets nearby.
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en/fr – London, UK: Resist the 2012 Olympic Games of Profit, Control and Repression

In times of war for the imposition of global domination, where the bosses proceed to inter-state coalitions and capitalist completions, coordinating their operations in the name of “anti”terrorism to establish totalitarian control and to loot the world…
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