Saverio Merlino vede, secondo noi, la decomposizione, l’agonia del movimento anarchico nel conflitto tra individualisti ed organizzatori sul terreno dell’azione immediata,e nell’intima contraddizione rispettiva delle due correnti : « quelli, gli organizzatori non possono trovare organizzazione compatibile coi principii anarchici » ; questi, gli individualisti « mancato il concetto di rappresaglia che era l’anima dell’azione anarchica (?) non trovano più modo d’agire e non possono sussistere senza l’organizzazione che si sforzano di negare ».
Continue reading Il principio dell’organizzazione alla luce dell’Anarchismo di L. GALLEANI
Un guiño a la historia (VIII). Eran un buen grupo, en su estilo el mejor… Bonnot y su banda
Una infancia difícil
MARTIAL LAW – A part of a material about militarization of the society
STIRNER (26 octubre 1806 – 23 de junio 1856) x Miguel Gimenez Igualada
A Emile Armand, anarquista individualista, como ofrenda de profunda admiración y gran cariño.
M. G. I.
Continue reading STIRNER (26 octubre 1806 – 23 de junio 1856) x Miguel Gimenez Igualada
en/es – Nature As Spectacle: by Feral Faun
The image of wilderness vs. Wildness
Continue reading en/es – Nature As Spectacle: by Feral Faun
La Prehistoria de la “Banda Bonnot” x Victor Serge
(Fragmento De Memorias de mundos desaparecidos por Victor Serge, donde bosqueja su temporal adhesión al Anarquismo, haciendo una pequeña semblanza de algunos de los que a la postre serían conocidos como “Los Bandidos Trágicos”: Raymond Callemin “La Ciencia”, Edouard Carouy y Jean De Boe)
Continue reading La Prehistoria de la “Banda Bonnot” x Victor Serge
Raymon Callemin was Guillotined in Paris in 1913 for his part in the Bonno Gang, a group of illegalist Anarcvhist robbers.
He was killed with two other outlaws from the gang, Soudy and Monier. He smiled and cried to the crowd “it’s a fine thing, isn’t it, a man’s agony”.
“Why I Took Part in a Burglary, Why I Committed Murder”
The End of Anarchism? Luigi Galleani
The first decade of the twentieth century seemed to be quite promising. We were being told at school and on the streets that a new era of democratic freedom and social justice had opened. Criticism of the old institutions was encouraged by politicians, and the hopes of working people were raised by the labour unions’ promises of protection. The vanguards of political and social thought were spreading the seeds of new ideas among the workers of the world about ways and means to bring about a thorough emancipation from the oppression of political power and from the exploitation of land and capital by private ownership.
Continue reading The End of Anarchism? Luigi Galleani
E’ uscito il n°70 dell’opuscolo di OLGa – giugno 2012
Traducción de textos Grecia 2009-2010. Dedicado a Lambros Foundas y Mauricio Morales
…Somos esxs molestxs que pasean continuamente en medio de lxs tranquilxs…
Continue reading Traducción de textos Grecia 2009-2010. Dedicado a Lambros Foundas y Mauricio Morales