Category Archives: prisoner

en it – An Open Letter From Anarchist Prisoners in Turkey to the Public

Act for freedom now!  receives and transmits:

As known, there had been attack to some banks and companies which are around the Mecidiyeköy-Şişli by some anarchists who are within the Anarchist block on 1st of May 2012. We, as 9 of the 60 people who had been taken to the custody with the blames of the Police Department. We, as 9 anarchist prisoners whom were arrested by the decision of the 9th Criminal Court and had been put in to the Metris – Type T prison writing this letter.
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en it – Greece – Anarchists Comrades Maria Economou and Alexandros Kossivas were acquitted for the Shimatari case ….

Comrades acquitted for the Shimatari case Comrades Maria Economouand Alexandros Kossivas were acquitted for the Shimatari case which was based on unsound testimonies of a false witness.
Continue reading en it – Greece – Anarchists Comrades Maria Economou and Alexandros Kossivas were acquitted for the Shimatari case ….

en it – Thessaloniki -Anarchist Babis Tsilianidis has been called to Thessaloniki courts on the 18th of July to be tried for the case of the robbery in the economic department of AHEPA, based on a DNA sample found in the area.

The trial for anarchist Babis Tsilianidis has been set Anarchist Babis Tsilianidis has been called to Thessaloniki courts on the 18th of July to be tried for the case of the robbery in the economic department of AHEPA, based on a DNA sample found in the area.
Continue reading en it – Thessaloniki -Anarchist Babis Tsilianidis has been called to Thessaloniki courts on the 18th of July to be tried for the case of the robbery in the economic department of AHEPA, based on a DNA sample found in the area.

Marcelo Villarroel – Mientras algunos se reúnen a hablar de Anarkía, otros korren por salvar sus vidas.

Breve relato ficcionado desde Carcel de Maxima Seguridad.

-dedicado a Jorge Antonio Salazar Oporto y Alexis Alfredo Cortés Torres-

Cierro los ojos y veo, komo si fuera ayer, todo aquello ke kon los ojos abiertos no puedo. La iluminada oskuridad salvaje de la montaña, sus rekovecos, el cielo y una konstelación de estrellas guiando mis pasos, el ascenso por kebradas, boskes y ríos, recibiendo el tranko urbano y klandestino de mi libre kaminar.

Veo parajes rekonditos ke no albergan turistas sino ke el ir y venir milenario de Originarios, de Perseguidos, de Fugitivos. También de ejércitos “modernos” y sus patriótikas Kampañas.

Lagos, kumbres, Senderos, Araukarias, riachuelos… ciervos, jabalíes y pumas dominando territorios hoy acechados militarmente por fuerzas konjuntas de los estados Chileno-Argentino.
Continue reading Marcelo Villarroel – Mientras algunos se reúnen a hablar de Anarkía, otros korren por salvar sus vidas.

(video) Indonesia – Parole e immagini da Eat e Billy

da 325

trad. ParoleArmate


Per dare energia, forza e condividere la loro risata in faccia alla prigione, insieme a tutti i compagni-combattenti del mondo, i fieri prigionieri membri della Long Live Luciano Tortuga Cell – FAI Indonesia cantano “My Way” di Frank Sinatra/Sid Vicious. La seconda fase del processo è finita e ora, come dicono loro, tutto ciò che devono fare è “sopravvivere alla prigione fino al rilascio”, Billy sembra più forte e in salute.


da Negasi


Questa è una registrazione dei combattenti Billy Augustan e Reyhard Rumbayan (Eat) attualmente in prigione. Essi cantano una breve canzone come metafora della loro attitudine e della coraggiosa scelta presa nelle loro vite.


La diffondiamo mentre la urliamo nelle strade.


Lunga vita ai ribelli!


Né depressi, né tristi!


Nessun combattente è da solo in questa guerra!


Per la distruzione totale della società!

(video) Indonesia – Parole e immagini da Eat e Billy


Trasferito Rami Syrianos, finito lo sciopero della fame

da actforfree

trad. ParoleArmate

Il compagno anarchico Rami Syrianos è stato trasferito nella prigione di Larissa e ha finito lo sciopero della fame.

Oggi, 21 maggio, il compagno Rami Syrianos si è presentato in aula a Salonicco insieme al compagno Kleomenis Savvanidis per il caso dell’esproprio di denaro da un’asta ODDY a Neapolis il 31 gennaio 2011, azione rivendicata da Rami Syrianos.
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Oberlandesgericht lehnt Haftentlassung von Sonja Suder ab

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Das Oberlandesgericht Frankfurt hat am 16.Mai 2012 entschieden, dass Sonja Suder nicht aus der Haft entlassen wird. Das Gesetz schreibt vor, dass eine Untersuchungshaft über sechs Monate hinaus nicht andauern darf, es sei denn die Hauptverhandlung hat schon begonnen, oder es liegt ein wichtiger Grund vor, der den Beginn des Prozesses verhindert hat. Sonja Suder ist nun über acht Monate in Haft, das Schwurgericht hat noch nicht einmal entschieden, ob die Anklage zugelassen wird, einen Termin für einen Prozessbeginn gibt es schon gar nicht. Welcher „wichtige“ Grund hat also nach Ansicht des Oberlandesgerichts einen Prozess bisher verhindert?

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Prisiones griegas: El compa anarquista Rami Syrianos ha sido transferido a las prisiones de Larisa y ha terminado su huelga de hambre

El 21 de mayo, el anarquista Rami Syrianos se presentó en los juzgados de Tesalónica, como huelguista de hambre, acusado junto al compa Kleomenis Savvanidis por la expropiación de dinero de los comerciantes de propiedades robadas ODDY de Neapolis el 31 de enero de 2011, una acción de la que Rami ha asumido la responsabilidad.

Continue reading Prisiones griegas: El compa anarquista Rami Syrianos ha sido transferido a las prisiones de Larisa y ha terminado su huelga de hambre