Category Archives: prisoner

Jean-Marc Rouillan granted conditional release

From Tokata (May 21, 2012):

After rejecting an appeal by the prosecutor earlier in the week, a Paris sentencing court has granted Jean-Marc Rouillan a conditional release, which began on the morning of Friday, May 18. Rouillan had spent the past year under a partial release regimen, out of prison but unable to leave Marseille, where he has been working for the Agone publishing house. His freedom of movement was limited by an electronic bracelet. Now, after spending over 24 years in prison, he will still have to submit to numerous methods of control during the next six years. For example, he will not be able to leave the Bouches-du-Rhône area and will have to surrender a portion of his monthly salary to the families of Georges Besse and René Audran, whose deaths he was sentenced for.


Serres (Grecia) – Corteo in solidarietà a Rami Syrianos

da actforfree

trad. ParoleArmate

Un corteo solidale ha avuto luogo nel centro di Serres il 19 maggio partecipato da circa 100 persone, per il compagno anarchico Rami Syrianos che è in sciopero della fame dal 15 maggio, RICHIEDENDO la fine dell’isolamento e il trasferimento dalla prigione di Nigrita.

Continue reading Serres (Grecia) – Corteo in solidarietà a Rami Syrianos

en it es – Eat & Billy, members of the Long Live Luciano Tortuga Cell – FAI/IRF jailed for less than 2 years (Indonesia)

Rough translation/edit based on Negasi (New website on Noblogs!):
The two combatants in Yogyakarta, Billy Augustan and Reyhard Rumbayan (Eat) finally returned to stand trial for the 8th session. The trial was held on Tuesday, May 15, 2012. Billy & Eat sentenced for 1 year 8 months. Both comrades had been in prison since October 7, 2011, shortly after their successful attack against an ATM bank. In the hearing held in the District Court of Lahore, the verdict against the two combatant’s revolutionary actions was read by the Chief Justice, Mulyanto. Both are considered guilty of causing fire and explosion in accordance with Article 187, paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code junto 55. The trial of the Long Live Luciano Tortuga Cell / International Revolutionary Front (IRF) – Informal Anarchist Federation (FAI) will be continued again to hear a response from the revolutionary comrades, Billy and Eat. Confirmation of this date has not confirmed.
Energy to the fighters!

Continue reading en it es – Eat & Billy, members of the Long Live Luciano Tortuga Cell – FAI/IRF jailed for less than 2 years (Indonesia)

(es-it) Uruguay – Carta de David, desde la cárcel La Tablada.


    En estos momentos no puedo más que agradecerles y decirles que me encuentro entero física y moralmente. También aclarar para quienes no tienen claro, que yo no me encuentro procesado por ninguna causa puntual sino que intentan escarmentar a quienes siguen luchando sin claudicar, a aquellos que hoy siguen peleando contra un sistema injusto que privilegia a unos sobre otros.

Sistema que genera que los pobres sean cada vez más pobres llevándolos a la marginalidad mientras los ricos siguen siendo cada vez más ricos y dueños de todo.
Compañeros, nuestro compromiso fue, es y será con la lucha de toda la clase explotada y oprimida.
Nuestro compromiso es con los de abajo sin tranzas y sin hacer de la lucha un negocio.

Continue reading (es-it) Uruguay – Carta de David, desde la cárcel La Tablada.