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Grecia aprueba una compra de 13,5 millones de euros de municiones para tanques

ATENAS — Grecia, sumida en una grave crisis económica y en primera página de la actualidad debido a las elecciones generales del domingo, aprobó este viernes la compra de municiones para sus tanques por un valor de 13,5 millones de euros, anunció el portavoz del Gobierno, Dimitris Tsiodras.

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Fascist Attacks (greece)

“Athens Racist Attack” – reelnews reports

From reelnews:

At 3am in the morning of Tuesday, 12 June 2012, a horrific racist act of terror unfolded in a quiet Athens suburb. At 3am several motorbikes with passengers descended on a quiet street in the Perama neighbourhood of Pireaus. They began to vandalise vehicles belonging to some Egyptian fisherman staying in a house on the street. The racists then tried to force their way into the house throwing an explosive device through the broken glass of the front door. Inside the occupants managed to hold the attackers off by stopping them from forcing the doors and windows open.
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Prosecution of members of the Conspiracy Cells of Fire and anarchist Th.Mavropoulos for the text for Nadir. (Greece)

Translated by Act for freedom now/boubourAs


Prosecution of members of the Conspiracy Cells of Fire and anarchist Th.Mavropoulos for the text for Nadir.

The new prosecutions of the accused for participation in the CCF was a start. A series of prosecutions which does not seem to have a beginning or end, has begun. 15 months after the captivilty of the 5 members of the CCF in Volos the vengeful wrath of the authorities towards the comrades involven in this case is more and more evident. Their eagerness that no comrade is released because of the expiration of the 18 month period is also clear. Something they managed not with legal loopholes but with arbitraries and by-passes of the laws which they themselves serve with so much passion.

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για την πορεία της κατάληψης παραρτήματος



Πάνω από 300 αλληλέγγυοι και αλληλέγγυες ανταποκρίθηκαν στο κάλεσμα της κατάληψης παραρτήματος για πορεία χτες τρίτη 12 ιούνη. Η πορεία πέρασε από κεντρικούς δρόμους και από την κατάληψη του μαραγκοπούλειου συνοδεία αρκετών γουρουνιών. Φωνάχτηκαν συνθήματα όπως “κάτω τα χέρια απ’ το παράρτημα – κατάληψη θα κάνουμε σε κάθε γειτονιά, “παράρτημα δεν παίρνετε ούτε στο όνειρό σας – γιατί είμαστε απολίτιστοι για τον πολιτισμό σας”, “δήμος, μμε, παρακρατικοί – όλα τα καθάρματα δουλεύουνε μαζί”,
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(it-en-es) Aggiornamento sul secondo caso Halandri: riassunto del giorno 21 (venerdì, 8 giugno)


L’udienza del tribunale militare che si sta formando nella prigione femminile del carcere di Korydallos è durata questa volta solo 15 minuti, poiché i compagni Damiano Bolano, Christos Tsakalos, Giorgos e Mihalis Nikolopoulos hanno abbandonato, per la seconda volta, l’aula del tribunale, rimanendo coerenti con le dichiarazioni fatte la settimana scorsa. Allora, hanno chiarito che finché la compagna Olga Ikonomidou continuerà ad essere rinchiusa in una cella d’isolamento nelle segrete di Diavata, loro, come dimostrazione di solidarietà, abbandoneranno l’aula durante ogni udienza e cercheranno la sospensione del processo. Lo stesso ha fatto il compagno Haris Hadjimihelakis, un testimone nel caso, che ha mandato una dichiarazione scritta spiegando che non parlerà in quanto Olga Ikonomidou è in isolamento.
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en es – Summary of day 21 (Friday, June 8) of 2nd Halandri Case trial

The court martial session at Korydallos Women’s Prison lasted just 15 minutes, since comrades Damiano Bolano, Christos Tsakalos, and Giorgos and Michalis Nikolopoulos walked out of the courtroom for the second session in a row, staying faithful to the statements they made at the last session. Those statements made it clear that as long as comrade Olga Economidou remains locked up in a solitary confinement cell in the dungeons of Diavata, the defendants—as a display of solidarity—will walk out of every trial session and push for the trial’s suspension. Comrade Haris Hatzimichelakis, a witness in the case, followed suit by sending in a written statement explaining that he will not be testifying as long as Economidou remains in solitary confinement.
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Μετά το κλίμα τρομοκρατίας, αβεβαιότητας και κοινωνικών αναταραχών ήρθαν οι εκλογές της 6 Μάη για να εξωμαλύνουν την κατάσταση που επικρατεί στην χώρα. Τα αποτελέσματα των εκλογών έρχονται να αντικατοπτρίσουν το κοινωνικό αλαλούμ. Παρατηρούμε την απαξίωση των δύο μεγάλων κομμάτων από την μία και από την άλλη νεοδημιουργηθέντα κόμματα που πλαισιώνονται από βουλευτές προ υπάρχοντων κομάτων  είτε να εκλέγονται είτε να δυναμώνουν τα εξωκοινοβουλευτικά κόμματα δίνοντας το μπόνους των 50 εδρών, συντηρώντας έτσι την εκλογική διαδικασία…Κι αφού δεν βγήκε κυβέρνηση απο τις εκλογές της 6 μάη οδηγούμαστε σε νέες εκλογές στις 17 ιουνίου.

Athens – Revolutionary Struggle trial update, Session 20, Monday 30/4/12

Translate by boubourAs/Act for freedom now
Revolutionary Struggle trial update,
Session 20,
Monday 30/4/12
With the beginning of the procedure, the chairman read out the list of the prosecution witnesses who had not appeared in previous sessions and were re-summoned, as well as the list of the new witnesses (all were proposed by the three members of the RS, except for one who was summoned by the prosecutor), who the court decided to summon after loads of trouble. From the first category, 4 out of the 19 witnesses were present, while from the second category, 9 out of 15 were present. Which means, that out of 30 summoned witnesses only 13 appeared, while 2 more it was claimed now have an unknown address.
Dimitrios Tsimogiannis appeared accompanied by his daughter, who –as she said- helps him, because he has health problems. As it was proven, however, the lady in question didn’t need to help him at all, while the witness unsuccessfully pretended to not hear! Unsuccessfully, because he could hear phrases spoken at a low volume and pretended he couldn’t hear other phrases which were spoken more loudly.

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Fire Cells Conspiracy: Solidarity with Anarchist Rami Syrianos

Although Syrianos already ended his hunger strike (which lasted from May 15–21, at which point he was finally transferred to Larissa Prison from solitary confinement at Nigrita Prison), and his trial also recently finished (he was sentenced to eight years and eight months in prison), we present the following communiqué released by our comrades in the Fire Cells Conspiracy:
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