From Anarchist Solidarity + RAF.espiv.net:
At the end of last year we had received news of Andrzej Mazurek’s state of affairs, a Polish man who has been kept in prison since December 2008, he is a prisoner of Greek state (see: 1). Comrades tied with Andrzej Mazurek had already described his situation, but the description was fragmentary and ambiguous. Thanks to Greek anarchists we were able to contact Andrzej himself and ask about many circumstances resulting in his arrest and imprisonment.
Andrzej comes from a small town Nowa Dęba in Podkarpacie, Poland. He left Poland in 2007 because of ilegal issues. He led his life as a working immigrant. On the 6th of December 2008 two policemen, Epaminondas Korkoneas and Wasilios Saraliotis had shot a young anarchist Alexandros Grigoropoulos on one street in Athens. This event resulted in unexpected chain reaction putting together every day experiences of thousands of young Greeks, immigrants and all other groups existing on the margin of “normal life”. The streets of majority of Greek towns were full of anger towards capitalist civilisation of death. This event is even now called the Greek Revolution 2008/2009. Andrzej was not indifferent to police murder showing antagonisms lurking under the surface of capitalist normality. He joined groups fighting against the police and taking back the life-giving space from the city desert. Let’s read what Andrzej has to say about his experiences. This is a part of a letter we have received:
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