Tag Archives: poster

Genova non e’ finita e questo non e’ un film. In ogni caso nessun rimorso

Alle elezioni politiche del 2001 Berlusconi torna al potere dopo cinque anni di politiche neoliberiste attuate dal centrosinistra. Poco prima D’alema si era offerto di ospitare il vertice dei capi di governo degli otto paesi piu’ industrializzati o ricchi del mondo, il G8.
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15 Anarchists, 3 of them high school students, are in Prison

On the 14th and 28th of May, 14 people were arrested by the “Anti Terror” Police raids done accounting that some private companies’ windows were broken on the 1st of May 2012 in Istanbul. One more person was arrested last week and the number of people in prison has risen 15 in total.
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