This trial is a political trial in which revolutionaries are judged, who chose armed struggle to fight for the overthrow of capitalism and the State, the overthrow of the criminal regime that you, as judges, defend.
Continue reading Athens: Written declaration to the court by Nikos Maziotis, member of Revolutionary Struggle – October 24th, 2011
Tag Archives: nikos maziotis
We took the political responsibility for participation in the organization Revolutionary Struggle. Consciously we did not choose to position ourselves concerning the “story” that was presented to us here by the witness Papathanasakis -which of course, was transferred to him-, the facts he described and what the ΔΑΕΕΒ (special violent crime squad) judged as enough proof to proceed to arrests. We consciously chose to not go into the process of speaking of phone conversations, mobile phones, the appointments presented by the ΔΑΕΕΒ, to distance ourselves from the investigation carried out by the advocates -and only by them since until this moment at least the judges have not preformed any significant examination of this specific witness-, on whether they were serious, real, worthy, capable enough to go ahead to arrests and imprisonments.
Svizzera: Una lettera di Marco Camenisch dal carcere

Dalla Svizzera invio i miei più calorosi saluti rivoluzionari a voi compagne e compagni dell’incontro-festival del 7-8 giugno in Grecia!
Continue reading Svizzera: Una lettera di Marco Camenisch dal carcere
7- 8 JUNE 2012
Pandio University,
Athens Sakis Karagiorgas Amphitheatre
THURSDAY JUNE 7TH: Armed movements in Europe and
their history.
FRIDAY JUNE 8TH: The struggle today and the prospec
t of the international
social revolution as an answer to the systemic
SPEAKERS: 1. Brigitte Asdonk, Germany– Red Army Faction (RAF)
2. Andreas Vogel, Germany – June 2nd Movement
3. Bertrand Sassoye, Belgium- Combatant Communist Cells
4. Jean Weir, England
5. Jose Rodriguez, Spain
6. Comminsion for an International Red Help – Switzerland
7. Christos Tsigaridas, Greece – Revolutionary Popular Struggle
8. Pola Roupa, Greece – Member of Revolutionary Struggle
9. Nikos Maziotis, Greece – Member of Revolutionary Struggle
Assembly for the case of
the Revolutionary Struggle
en it es fr – Switzerland: Revolutionary greetings from imprisoned anarchist Marco Camenisch, on the occasion of the event for the Revolutionary Struggle case (Athens, 7–8 June 2012)
From Switzerland I send my warmest revolutionary salutes to you, comrades, on the occasion of your event-festival on the 7th and 8th of June in Greece!
The themes of your meeting—history, actuality and perspective of the international social revolution—are of crucial importance and more timely than ever, in these times of irreversible crisis of the dominant system.
Continue reading en it es fr – Switzerland: Revolutionary greetings from imprisoned anarchist Marco Camenisch, on the occasion of the event for the Revolutionary Struggle case (Athens, 7–8 June 2012)
Greece – Revolutionary Struggle Trial Update Session Session 19, Thursday, 19/4/12
Act for freedom now!/boubourAs
R.S. Trial Update, Session 19, Thursday, 19/4/12
With the beginning of the session N.Maziotis paid respect to fighter Dimitris Christoulas (the man who committed suicide outside parliament because of his debts). His action, he said, is related to this case, because he left a clear political message, a call for armed struggle, which was especially addressed to the youth who have no future. He read the entire letter left by Dimitris Christoulas and noted that the call to arms is necessary and urgent in order to overthrow the regime.
Concerning the action on the ministry of Economy, N.Maziotis noted that it was an answer to the neoliberal policy of the then Karamanlis government. What is the ministry of Economy? The main ministry which applies the policies of the individual government. The aim of this ministry is the support of the rich and the robbing of the poor. Therefore, it applies class policy (at this point he read parts from the communique published by the Revolutionary Struggle). What is this development policy, which they always speak of? It is dictated by the EU and the ECB. N.Maziotis spoke of the lending model of a country for the support of the capital, the application of industrialization, the shrinking of the workforce.
This “development policy”, he said, is responsible for the massive debt and the enslavement of the people by the IMF. Insurance is downgraded, everything is privatized, even Health, the insurance funds are robbed by law. Then, N.Maziotis referred to the upsurge of neoliberalism, with Mitsotakis government, which was developed and imposed substantially by the Simitis government. He spoke of the common aim of Pasok and Nea Dimokratia, the support of the capital, and differences in the imposition rhythms, he mentioned Maastricht and the integration of Greece into the EMU, which was considered an accomplishment.
Continue reading Greece – Revolutionary Struggle Trial Update Session Session 19, Thursday, 19/4/12
DEFENCE EXCERPTTS FROM Nikos Maziotis, Panayiota “Pola” Roupa and Kostas Gournas, in the case of the Revolutionary Struggle.
– Nikos Maziotis;
Responding to the question “Do you accept or deny the charges?
“I am a revolutionary, and i am fighting an unjust, criminal regime known as the State and capitalism. If anyone should make a plea in defence, it is not me but those who are accusing me: the police and judges who serve the rich. I, for my part, am in the right, and I will not apologize for myself”.
– Panayiota “Pola” Roupa;
Responding to the same question:
“I ama revolutionary, and I do not recognize your proceedings. The criminals and terrorists are you and the system you serve: the State and capitalism.”
– Kostas Gournas;
The prosecutor: “What do you say in your defence? Do you accept or deny the charges?”
“I am not going to answer. I do not recognize these proceedings. Since the age of 20, I have been a worker and have taken part in the social and class struggle in Greece. I am against the regime, the political system, and the economic system. Iam not a terrorist. Terrorists are the ones on the 12th floor of the police headquarters who gave me a beating and threatened to kill my children.”
Greece – Revolutionary Struggle Trial Update Session 18, Wednesday 4/4/12
Translated by Act for freedom now/boubourAs
R.S. trial Update, Session 18, Wednesday 4/4/12
Today’s session was the first in which Kostas Katsenos came on his own, without handcuffs and without the escort of armed cops. He was also released a few days ago, by the decision of the appropriate Juridical Council.
Continue reading Greece – Revolutionary Struggle Trial Update Session 18, Wednesday 4/4/12
Greece – Revolutionary Struggle TRIAL UPDATE SESSION 17, 23/3/12
Translated by Act for freedom now/boubourAs
Continue reading Greece – Revolutionary Struggle TRIAL UPDATE SESSION 17, 23/3/12
en es – Athens: Revolutionary Struggle case trial – In dedication to Lambros Foundas
Declaration of the members of Revolutionary Struggle on February 6th, 2012, regarding the armed scuffle of Dafni, in which Lambros Foundas was killed in battle with the police
The repressive operation against the Revolutionary Struggle started with an armed scuffle in Dafni on March 10th, 2010, when our comrade Lambros Foundas was killed in battle with the policemen Andreas Haskis and Theodoros Koumarapis.
Even though this incident became the starting point of the investigations which resulted in our arrests, the appellate prosecutor Makropoulos did not summon the two policemen killers of Lambros Foundas to testify in this trial, but only called to the stand the lady owner of the car which the comrades attempted to expropriate, with the aim of using it in an action of the organization.
Continue reading en es – Athens: Revolutionary Struggle case trial – In dedication to Lambros Foundas