Tag Archives: letter

A Letter from Michele Pontolillo,anarchist prisoner in struggle (December 7 2000)

I announce that at 12 o’clock on December 7 2000, I will start an indefinite hunger strike. Given the situation of growing repression in which we live inside as well as outside prison, and departing from the inalienable right of every individual to revolt against the omnipotence and arrogance of those in Power, I announce that at 12 o’clock on December 7, 2000 I will start an indefinitive hunger strike for the reasons I would like to expose here.
Continue reading A Letter from Michele Pontolillo,anarchist prisoner in struggle (December 7 2000)

Cartas de Rodrigo Lanza e a sua Nai : Por qué tivemos que reviver tudo isto?


Fuente: AraInfo | Achencia de Noticias d´Aragón

No son buenas noticias las que nos llegan desde Barcelona sobre el caso de Rodrigo Lanza (4F). Una vez más damos voz en AraInfo a Mariana, la madre de Rodri. Mariana con la voz rota nos escribe esta dura carta, una carta donde las luces del pasado vuelven a iluminar con demasiada fuerza, la pesadilla vuelve a nuestras cabezas… A Rodri lo vuelven a castigar.
Continue reading Cartas de Rodrigo Lanza e a sua Nai : Por qué tivemos que reviver tudo isto?

en it – Greece- last text from anarchist Stella Antoniou last may (On Monday, June 4th, Stella was released from Koridallos women’s prisons because she reached the limit of 18month pretrial detention.

Translated by boubourAs/Act for freedom now!

Continue reading en it – Greece- last text from anarchist Stella Antoniou last may (On Monday, June 4th, Stella was released from Koridallos women’s prisons because she reached the limit of 18month pretrial detention.

Greece- last text from anarchist Stella Antoniou last may (On Monday, June 4th, Stella was released from Koridallos women’s prisons because she reached the limit of 18month pretrial detention.

Translated by boubourAs/Act for freedom now!

Continue reading Greece- last text from anarchist Stella Antoniou last may (On Monday, June 4th, Stella was released from Koridallos women’s prisons because she reached the limit of 18month pretrial detention.


El 15 de Diciembre de 2009, Tamara es detenida en Getafe (Madrid) por el envío de un paquete explosivo. Tras pasar la noche en las dependencias de la Guardia Civil en Madrid, es trasladada a Barcelona, donde el juez decreta prisión preventiva. Tras permanecer 4 meses en la prisión de Brians I, alejada de su ciudad de origen y por tanto de su familia, amig@s y compañer@s más cercan@s, Tamara es puesta en libertad provisional y a espera de juicio gracias a dos informes periciales, los cuales demostraban que el paquete no tenía capacidad para matar.
Continue reading LIBERTAD por TAMARA