Tag Archives: letter

Lettre ouverte de neuf prisonniers anarchistes en Turquie

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Comme on le sait, des anarchistes ont attaqué des banques et des entreprises du quartier Mecidiyeköy-Şişli (Istanbul) lors du Bloc Anarchiste du 1er mai. Nous, neuf des 60 personnes qui ont été mises en prison par la police, neuf prisonniers anarchistes enfermés sur la décision de la neuvième cour criminelle dans la prison de type T de Metris, écrivons cette lettre.
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Indonesia: Carta de Eat desde la cárcel

Eat (Reyhard Rumbayan) está cumpliendo 1 año y 8 meses de prisión por haber incendiado un cajero automático junto al compañero Billy Augustan, ambos miembros de la Célula Larga Vida Luciano Tortuga– FAI/FRI.

Queridxs cmopañerxs, orgullosxs miembros de la FAI/FRI Global, nuestrxs amigxs encarceladxs de la Conspiración de Células del Fuego, y todos los grupos, individuos, que dedican sus vidas a acabar con la megamáquina de control y dominación y a todxs lxs anarco-heréticxs.
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No Tav – Comunicato di un compagno a cui vogliono togliere la libertà di muoversi e agire

riceviamo e diffondiamo:

Pur non credendo nell’autorità dello Stato italiano, nelle strutture e negli apparati di giudizio, emarginazione e condanna, ho deciso di presentarmi davanti al giudice, martedì 5 giugno alle ore 15, al tribunale di Torino.
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en es it – Greece: Letter of CCF member Olga Ekonomidou (in solitary confinement of Diavata prisons)


Saturday, June 2nd, 2012

In this moment I am writing these few lines from inside isolation; 30 days of solitary confinement is the price I pay for my refusal to sell out my dignity and obey the humiliation of a full body search, which would last 5 minutes.

I remain unrepentant in my decision. I won’t give away even a second of compromise to prison guards. I will not exchange my refusals and choices with the ‘warmth’ of a standard cell and the ‘liberty’ of yard time among the general prison population.
Continue reading en es it – Greece: Letter of CCF member Olga Ekonomidou (in solitary confinement of Diavata prisons)

Trikala, Greece: Letter of prison inmate S.M.

I don’t care if I am now held in prison because I stood a just or unjust trial, or because my charges were cooked inside a department of the Greek police; not even if some mass media, like zougla, espresso, and so forth, were in a hurry for their next edition, and thus wrote whatever they—or better yet the cops—wanted without substantiating their assertions in any way. I don’t care because I neither acknowledge, nor respect any law or court, let alone those ‘people’ who enforce laws on us and take care of their implementation and propagation (from the most apathetic cop to the president of the republic). Especially since their only aim is to preserve social inequality, thereby the rich to remain rich and the poor to either become their slaves or at least unable to disrupt this kind of balance. Whoever understands this binary system (oppressor-oppressed) can explain almost everything that occurs at the political-economic level.
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Carta a un año del desafortunado accidente de Luciano Pitronello y ad portas del Juicio Oral en su contra

extraído de liberaciontotal

Santiago, 30 de Mayo del 2012.

Nos encontramos a casi un año de tu burlesca mueca a la muerte aquel fatídico 1° de Junio.
A casi un año de una mañana sin llanto y sin asombro para mí.
Una mañana donde, coincidentemente, los llantos más teatrales no se hicieron esperar por parte de quienes primero dieron vuelta los ojos. Como si todas esas lágrimas no pudiesen haber sido en vano, decidieron matarte en sus pequeños corazones, antes que asumir este nuevo y difícil escenario impensado para muchxs.
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Urgent solidarity call for arrested anarchists / turkey

Members of the Freedom to Earth Association (Yeryüzüne Özgürlük Derneği), who defend animal/earth/human freedom and green anarchists and anarchists as a whole, were taken by government anti-terrorism units from their homes simultaneously on May 14 at 5 a.m. They were kept under police custody for 4 days. While all of the members of the Freedom to Earth Association are now free, nine individuals, including vegan and vegetarians, were taken to prison where they remain today.

Our association, Freedom to Earth, works on some subjects like animal rights, human rights, and ecology. This is the first time an anti-terrorism operation was carried out by the police against animal rights and anarchist activists. The police claim that the arrested individuals were responsible for the May 1 attacks on banks and multi-national corperate stores in some areas in Istanbul. However, this is not and cannot be the case as these same individuals are against violence. In reality, the police were simply trying to silence and criminalize efforts like animal liberation, eco-defense and human liberation struggle.
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