Tag Archives: es

Reventando lo existente (2º tiraje)

«…A la vista del juicio por el caso de Conspiración de Células del Fuego, que se celebrará el 17 de enero de 2011, nos proponemos editar en forma de un libro, que al mismo tiempo será publicado en Internet para su mejor difusión, tanto los materiales que conciernen al “caso” en sí como también todas las reivindicaciones de los ataques realizados por dicho grupo (…)
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en/es – The Cops In Our Heads: Some thoughts on anarchy and morality by Feral Faun

In my travels over the past several months, I have talked with many anarchists who conceive of anarchy as a moral principle. Some go so far as to speak of anarchy as though it were a deity to whom they had given themselves–reinforcing my feeling that those who really want to experience anarchy may need to divorce themselves from anarchism.
Continue reading en/es – The Cops In Our Heads: Some thoughts on anarchy and morality by Feral Faun