Tag Archives: en

Greece – Text written by Rami Syrianos from Larissa prison in solidarity with Olga Ikonomidou

From: Parole Armate

Translated from Italian by act for freedom now/B.pd


”Any conflict with power, even a partial or minor one, contains the same potentials of revolutionary war”
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it en ) No Tav – Marcelo trasferito al carcere le Vallette di Torino

riceviamo e diffondiamo:

Da fonte certa sappiamo che Marcelo è stato trasferito al carcere delle Vallette, mentre Mau per ora sarebbe nel lager di S. Vittore.
Sosteniamo i prigionieri No Tav, inviamo lettere, telegrammi e cartoline per non farli sentire soli!
No Tav Ovunque!
Continue reading it en ) No Tav – Marcelo trasferito al carcere le Vallette di Torino

es en – Invitación para el libro “Poemas de Amor y Guerra” ★ Invitation to the book “Poems of Love and War”


El regreso momentaneo de la Editorial Lxs Niñxs Salvajes se sitúa temporalmente en las álgidas luchas vividas a lo largo del año que pasó (2011) en todo el mundo. Casualidades no existen. Se viven movimientos de lucha, entre metodologías reformistas, y radicales revolucionarixs.
Continue reading es en – Invitación para el libro “Poemas de Amor y Guerra” ★ Invitation to the book “Poems of Love and War”

The Life and Ideology of The New Terrorists

–from the press




“This is war, not a game of cards”. Militant enthuses: “They got the guns out in Greece. It was great”. Institutions and “peace-loving” reformers targeted

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