Tag Archives: en

en s – GREECE – Prosecution of members of the Conspiracy Cells of Fire and anarchist Th.Mavropoulos for the text for Nadir.

We will continue to spread their words in all languages of the world and their legal creations will not be enough to stop us from
showing our solidarity to them in any possible way. The cries they shout with strength and insistence, the passion to refuse authority, is a united voice which shakes the routine of regularity and submission.
Continue reading en s – GREECE – Prosecution of members of the Conspiracy Cells of Fire and anarchist Th.Mavropoulos for the text for Nadir.

Solidarity to the comrades struck by the operation “Ardire” (USA)

From Anarchist Library:

Here at the library we don’t usually publish such statements and communiques, mainly because there are plenty of other places where solidarity can be expressed. Anyway, this time we want to express our unconditional solidarity to the comrades struck by the repression in Italy and elsewhere, following the shooting of Adinolfi.
Continue reading Solidarity to the comrades struck by the operation “Ardire” (USA)

Solidarity stickers for anarchist revolutionary Theofilos Mavropoulos, imprisoned in the Greek dungeons

‘Those of you who today see your children playing carefree at playgrounds and school courtyards, do not be surprised if tomorrow you’ll see them forming revolutionary affinities or participating in armed attacks against the State and the Capital…’

Solidarity with anarchist Theofilos Mavropoulos
Solidarity with all members of the R.O. CCF
Freedom for all political prisoners
Continue reading Solidarity stickers for anarchist revolutionary Theofilos Mavropoulos, imprisoned in the Greek dungeons

es en / B$. A$.: Ataques a coches de la burguesia y seguridad privada x la FAI

Sobre amenazas y perros que ladran.

Por motivos que son mas que obvios, nos vemos obligados a hacer una lectura sobre el contexto rioplatense y así poder aclarar unos puntos que a nuestro entender  son importantes mencionar.
Continue reading es en / B$. A$.: Ataques a coches de la burguesia y seguridad privada x la FAI