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Athens – After the usual terrorist spectacle at Athens court, CCF trial today 27/6/12 postponed to December 2013.

The trial of the nine members of the CCF  and anarchist T. Mavropoulos,which was due to take place today in the court of Athens, has been postponed till December 2, 2013 because of an inconsistency concerning their solicitor.
Continue reading Athens – After the usual terrorist spectacle at Athens court, CCF trial today 27/6/12 postponed to December 2013.

Italy – After another two comrades were hit by repression in the context of the Val Susa struggle, anarchists from Bologna issued this communiqué.

Italy – After another two comrades were hit by repression in the context of the Val Susa struggle, anarchists from Bologna issued this communiqué.

Continue reading Italy – After another two comrades were hit by repression in the context of the Val Susa struggle, anarchists from Bologna issued this communiqué.

en es – Breaking news: Comrade injured by blast (Mexico)

325 has received news of an injured companero, Mario Antonio Lopez Fernández, 27, who has been hurt whilst reportedly carrying an incendiary device in southern Mexico City, during the night of 26-27 June. We will print more news as we get it, but for now, these details are being reported in the mainstream press:
Continue reading en es – Breaking news: Comrade injured by blast (Mexico)