The Russian Anarchist Movement: A talk by Antii Rautiainen
Sunday 15th July @ Kebele Social Centre
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Tag Archives: en
Interview with Kurdistan Anarchist Forum (KAF)
by Bridget
published recently in (Zine)
What does it mean to be a “Kurdish anarchist”? Are there any characteristics that you would say are different to the “classical” European anarchist approaches of the 19th century?
Continue reading Interview with Kurdistan Anarchist Forum (KAF)
(It/en/fr/de) Noi siamo l’1%
(it-en-es) Marco Camenisch solidale con la Cospirazione delle Cellule di Fuoco (11.2011)
Cara Compagna, cari Compagni della Cospirazione delle Cellule del Fuoco, prima fase:
Forse troppo tardi, di sicuro troppo poco rispondo al vostro appello, alla vostra proposta.
Continue reading (it-en-es) Marco Camenisch solidale con la Cospirazione delle Cellule di Fuoco (11.2011)
(it-en) Op. Ardire – Comunicato di Peppe dal carcere di Marassi
Prigione di Genova 20 giorno di isolamento – 2 Luglio 2012
Terrorista? Ideologo? Studente? Promotore? Seguace? Filosofo?
Continue reading (it-en) Op. Ardire – Comunicato di Peppe dal carcere di Marassi
[Dissident Island Radio] Dissident Island Radio – 5 freckin years – episode 107 tonight
–we receive and publish;
EPISODE 107 – the show turns 5! And we’ll hear from:
Continue reading [Dissident Island Radio] Dissident Island Radio – 5 freckin years – episode 107 tonight
en/it/fr – The Honest Worker-L’Onesto Operaio-L’Honnête Ouvrier by Zo d’Axa
The Honest Worker
It’s the amazing fattening of the mass of the exploited that creates the increasing and logical ambition of the exploiters.
Continue reading en/it/fr – The Honest Worker-L’Onesto Operaio-L’Honnête Ouvrier by Zo d’Axa
1986-1996: Anarchism in Turkey
A brief history of the still-young anarchist movement in Turkey.
Continue reading 1986-1996: Anarchism in Turkey
Mexico: Joint communiqué from anarchist collectives and organizations in solidarity with Mario López “the Gut”
“Solidarity is the heart of the struggle against Power – Freedom to Mario Antonio López Hernández”
Word as a means of unifying tendencies.
Action as a means of reestablishing principles in practical life.
—Práxedis G. Guerrero
Continue reading Mexico: Joint communiqué from anarchist collectives and organizations in solidarity with Mario López “the Gut”