Category Archives: solidarity

Urgent solidarity call for arrested anarchists / turkey

Members of the Freedom to Earth Association (Yeryüzüne Özgürlük Derneği), who defend animal/earth/human freedom and green anarchists and anarchists as a whole, were taken by government anti-terrorism units from their homes simultaneously on May 14 at 5 a.m. They were kept under police custody for 4 days. While all of the members of the Freedom to Earth Association are now free, nine individuals, including vegan and vegetarians, were taken to prison where they remain today.

Our association, Freedom to Earth, works on some subjects like animal rights, human rights, and ecology. This is the first time an anti-terrorism operation was carried out by the police against animal rights and anarchist activists. The police claim that the arrested individuals were responsible for the May 1 attacks on banks and multi-national corperate stores in some areas in Istanbul. However, this is not and cannot be the case as these same individuals are against violence. In reality, the police were simply trying to silence and criminalize efforts like animal liberation, eco-defense and human liberation struggle.
Continue reading Urgent solidarity call for arrested anarchists / turkey

Αλληλεγγύη στην Όλγα Οικονομίδου μέλος της Σ.Π.Φ.-FAI/IRF

Η συντρόφισσα Όλγα Οικονομίδου μέλος της αναρχικής επαναστατικής οργάνωσης Συνωμοσία Πυρήνων της Φωτιάς βρίσκεται εδώ και 25 μέρες στην απομόνωση των γυναικείων φυλακών στα Διαβατά λόγω της άρνησής της να υποβληθεί στην εξευτελιστική για την αξιοπρέπειά της διαδικασία του σωματικού ελέγχου, άρνηση που πραγματώνουν και όλοι οι σύντροφοι – μέλη της Σ.Π.Φ.
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Comienzan los juicios por el desalojo de Kukutza

Varios movimientos sociales, entre ellos Sare Antifaxista, acuden a prestar su apoyo a la victima de la brutal violencia policial

Bilbo * E.H
Concentración celebrada en los juzgados de Bilbo con motivo del inicio del juicio contra los dos ertzainas imputados por lesiones durante el desalojo de Kukutza.

Bi ertzain epaitu dituzte kukutzako istiluetan gazte bati tinpanoa zulatzeagatik



Desde hace el mes de diciembre del 2011 Héctor Llaitul comenzó a tener molestias e intensos dolores abdominales  siendo tratado, sólo con analgésicos,  en la enfermería de gendarmería a cargo de Técnicos en Enfermería y cuyo responsable es el médico Dr. Guzmán, quienes posiblemente por la falta de medios no hicieron un correcto diagnostico.

Durante las primeras semanas del mes de abril el peñi Héctor Llaitul presento un cuatro más complejo con un compromiso general de su estado de salud, por lo que por presión de su familia, se derivó finalmente al Hospital de Angol y desde ahí al Hospital de Temuco donde fue sometido a una intervención quirúrgica, prácticamente de urgencia, el pasado 4 de Abril.

Argentina – Buenos Aires Solidarity Action to comrade David Lamarte from Uruguay, who was arrested on May 8 by the State Opressor.

Act for freedom now! receives and transmits

Yesterday afternoon, on May 24th, we were met with other comrades to extend our gesture of solidarity to comrade David Lamarte from Uruguay, who was arrested on May 8 by the State Opressor.

Continue reading Argentina – Buenos Aires Solidarity Action to comrade David Lamarte from Uruguay, who was arrested on May 8 by the State Opressor.