Category Archives: repression

CIA: chiesta libertà di azione con gli UAV contro l’insurrezione nello Yemen

La Central Intelligence Agency vuole avere mano libera nel contribuire alla repressione dell’insurrezione della popolazione dello Yemen e ha chiesto l’autorizzazione a colpire, con i velivoli non pilotati, anche presunti “terroristi” di cui non conosce l’identità, basandosi solo su modelli di intelligence che definiscono il comportamento “sospetto” di un individuo.
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from indonesia

Six years on, and still fighting Lapindo

Recently, 3000 victims of the mud volcano created by the Lapindo company’s drilling operations, whose homes were in the affected area, once again demonstrated their feelings outside the East Java Governor’s office in Surabaya. They were asking the provincial government to lend money to PT Minarak Lapindo Jaya so the company would be able to pay the compensation money it owed. The demonstrators came from places inside the designated affected zone, for example Renokenongo, Siring, Jatirejo and Glagah Arum villages in Porong district, and Kedungbendo and Ketapang in Tanggulangin District.
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