Repubblica e rivoluzione Errico Malatesta

Il nostro dichiarato proposito di prender parte a qualunque movimento rivoluzionario mirante alla conquista di maggiore libertà e maggiore giustizia, nonché le recenti affermazìoni di qualche nostro compagno, che forse nella redazione frettolosa di articoli di giornale è andato oltre il suo pensiero reale, han fatto credere a qualcuno, ignaro delle nostre idee, che noi accetteremmo, sia pure provvisoriamente, una repubblica, decorata per l’occasione degli aggettivi sociale e federativa.
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Elogio de la pereza refinada x Raoul Vaneigem

Europa conoce hoy en día una clase burocrática que rasca el fondo de las arcas del capital con el fin de hacerlo fructificar en un circuito cerrado, sin invertir en nuevos modos de producción. Y los proletarios, a quienes se ha enseñado que el proletariado ya no existe, alegan excepciones por su disminución de poder adquisitivo en la esperanza de que un gran movimiento caritativo suplirá la supresión de sus derechos sociales, la reducción de los salarios, la rarefacción del trabajo útil y el desmantelamiento de la enseñanza, de los transportes, de los servicios sanitarios, de la agricultura de calidad y de todo aquello que no aumenta con una rentabilidad inmediata la masa financiera puesta al servicio de la especulación internacional.
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Gustavo Rodríguez – Orígenes y evolución histórica del movimiento anarquista y exigencias que se le plantean en la actualidad.

Podemos trazar un bosquejo interpretativo del curso histórico del movimiento anarquista siguiendo los cambios habidos en sus formas organizativas y en sus prácticas prevalentes1 en períodos dados. Para situar la prevalencia de esas formas organizativas y esas prácticas, es preciso reconocer primero las principales características de cada período, en lo que al movimiento anarquista se refiere.
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The Quest for the Spiritual: A Basis for a Radical Analysis of Religion – Feral Faun

by Feral FaunThis civilized, technological, commodity culture in which we live is a wasteland. For most people, most of the time, life is dull and empty, lacking vibrancy, adventure, passion and ecstasy. It’s no surprise that many people search beyond the realm of their normal daily existence for something more. It is in this light that we need to understand the quest for the spiritual.
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en/it – Declaration written by Nikos Maziotis, a member of Revolutionary Struggle – 24th October 2011.



[Stop deception – Fighters are not terrorist]

translated from Italian by act for freedon now/B.pd
This is a political trial against revolutionaries who chose armed struggle to overthrow capitalism, the State, and the criminal regime which you, as judges, are here to defend.

Continue reading en/it – Declaration written by Nikos Maziotis, a member of Revolutionary Struggle – 24th October 2011.

Greece – Athens -REVOLUTIONARY STRUGGLE TRIAL UPDATE,Session 16, Wednesday 14/3/12

The session began with a statement by P.Roupa concerning the failed attack of the R.S. against the Citibank headquarters in Kifissia. Citibank, shesaid, is a criminal organization of the international elite, whichexpresses the interests of the richest families in the USA.

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Nikos Maziotis Statement to the Athens Criminal Court July 1999

Statement to the Athens Criminal Court July 1999
The following text is the translation of what Nikos Maziotis said to the court during his trial which took place on the 5th to 7th of July 1999 in Athens, Greece. He was convicted and given a 15-year prison sentence for ‘attempted explosion with danger for human lives’ and ‘possession of guns and explosives’ for his action of placing a bomb in the Ministry of Industry and Development on December 12, 97, in solidarity with the revolt of the villages in Strymonikos against the installation of a gold metallurgy by multinational company TVX GOLD.

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Il male minore Dominique Miséin

Alcuni anni or sono, in occasione di una scadenza elettorale, un celebre giornalista italiano invitò i propri lettori a turarsi il naso e a compiere il proprio dovere di cittadini, recandosi a votare per il partito allora al potere. Il giornalista era ben consapevole che all’olfatto della gente quel partito emanava il fetore di decenni di putridume istituzionale — soprusi, corruzione, malaffare — ma la sola alternativa politica disponibile sul mercato, la sinistra, gli sembrava ancor più nefasta. Non rimaneva quindi che turarsi il naso e votare per i governanti già al potere.
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