Tag Archives: text

O servo, o ribelle; o uomo, o cane Gigi Damiani


L’ora è buia. Molti disperano; qualcuno rinnega; i più si racchiudono in se stessi montando la guardia alla fiaccola sotto il moggio; altri si rifugiano nella comoda Bisanzio e non manca chi scende a trugolarsi nel pettegolezzo affondando nelle carni del fratello le zanne di un rancore incomposto che non ardisce mordere il vero nemico.
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De proletario a individuo: Hacia una comprensión anarquista de la Clase [Willful Disobedience]

Las relaciones sociales de clase y explotación no son simples. Las concepciones obreristas, que están basadas en la idea de una clase objetivamente revolucionaría definida en cuanto a su relación con los medios de producción, ignoran la multitud de aquell@s en todo el mundo cuyas vidas les son robadas por el actual orden social pero que no pueden encontrar sitio dentro de sus aparatos productivos. Por tanto estas concepciones acaban presentando una comprensión limitada y simplista de la explotación y la transformación revolucionaria.
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(Greece) Preface of the Greek edition of “Run Man Run: A diary from the FIES prisons” by Jose Tarrio Gonzales by Dimitris Koufontinas*

Translated by Act for freedom now/”kim”

This book was published in the Autumn of 2011 by comrades who participate in and support the



 The money from the distribution of this book will be used for the support of the FUND which on a steady and monthly basis covers the material needs of dozens of imprisoned fighters, expressing also in this way our solidarity.We support the imprisoned fighters…

Continue reading (Greece) Preface of the Greek edition of “Run Man Run: A diary from the FIES prisons” by Jose Tarrio Gonzales by Dimitris Koufontinas*

Ma che storia è questa? Adreba Solneman

Definizione della storia

Qui ed ora comincia la storia. Lo spontaneo, l’immediato, il presente sono l’inizio della storia. Il passato è una introduzione che, come tutte le introduzioni, è scritta a cose fatte, nell’avvenire, nella riflessione, nella mediazione. Il presente comincia la storia, e il passato concede tempo a questo inizio.
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Beyond Earth First! Toward a feral revolution of desire by Feral Faun

Last year, Fifth Estate published a critique of Deep Ecology which included criticisms of certain people who use the slogan “Earth First!”. This has led to a fairly intense dialogue. As I have read this dialogue it has become clear to me that most people–including those who call themselves EF!ers-aren’t really sure what EF! is.
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Santiago de Chile 1921


Go find yourself a revolver; the sooner the better. Buy, borrow or rob one. You should be armed, that’s the point. When the working class, conscious and armed, demands their rights to life and freedom, then you will see how the thrones and tyrants fall. As long as you keep screaming like a fool in the streets, begging for bread and justice, you will see how the bullets rain down on your head. I put an end. By finding yourself a revolver and advising others to prepare for the Revolution, you’ll see the revival of a new dawn for the world. Go find yourself a revolver!

—from a text originally published in the periodical El Comunista/The Communist of the bakers of Santiago, under the pen name Juan Levadura/‘Yeast’

sources: i, ii


A Wrecking Ball for Ivory Towers by Feral Faun

It seems to have become a given among many anti-authoritarians that radical theory is an academic pursuit. On the one hand, there are the ideological activists who accuse anyone who attempts to critically analyze society or their own activities in a way that goes beyond the latest hip anarchist sloganeering of being armchair intellectuals or academics. On the other hand, there are those who supplement the income of their academic/intellectual professions by writing tracts criticizing society, the left or even their own professions, but in such abstract and insubstantial terms as to be meaningless in relation to their lives. These intellectual “radicals” and anti-intellectual activists remain equally enslaved to society’s discourse. Radical theory is elsewhere.
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