Tag Archives: text
es/it – Circulo Individualista Aves del Fuego ($hile) – La revuelta continúa… ¡Hasta ser totalmente libre!
A lxs que aún no se han apagado…
La revuelta continúa… ¡Hasta ser totalmente libre!
Anarquismo en el Siglo XXI: La insoslayable necesidad de abandonar todo lo ajeno
Anarquismo en el Siglo XXI:
La insoslayable necesidad de abandonar todo lo ajeno (*)
Ponencia expuesta en el Primer Congreso Anarquista en México, en la improvisada mesa «Anarquismo y proyecto insurreccional».
Gustavo Rodríguez
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The Ferocious Jaws of Habit Enigma, Knowledge and Revolt by Mare Almani
“And when the foam of the arrogant waves flows back sighing,
the lustrous pearls of life lie on the sand.”
—Giorgio Colli, La Ragione Errabonda (The Wandering Reason)
Continue reading The Ferocious Jaws of Habit Enigma, Knowledge and Revolt by Mare Almani
A closed chapter – BRUNO FILIPPI
The sad task of obituary writer is mine. It is sad to write a page with a heart that asks: and then what? But we are dedicated to the struggle: or to succeed in disappearing. It is inevitable and so one of us inevitably vanishes.
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From the title of this pamphlet one should not assume that we are going to tell you a brief account of a long history of a political movement. The history of anarchism is indeed very short in Turkey and the title of this pamphlet simply expresses this fact. The anarchist movement came to the political scene of Turkey less than 10 years ago. The publication of Kara a monthly magazine, was the starting point of anarchism in Turkey in 1986. Before the publication of this monthly magazine, there had not been any anarchist periodical or any anarchist circle which attempted to express itself. Of course that does not mean that there haven’t been any anarchists in the Geo-political borders of Turkey. An important point to note is that before Kara, anarchist circles or individuals never tried to become a political movement in Turkey.
Continue reading ANARCHISM IN TURKEY
(en/it/es)- The Abolition of Society – Feral Faun
“Society…1. a group of persons who have the same customs, beliefs, etc. or live under a common government and who are thought of as forming a single community… 3. all people, when thought of as forming a community in which each person is partly dependent on all the rest”.
Continue reading (en/it/es)- The Abolition of Society – Feral Faun
A dos años del asesinato en la cárcel de Rocha.
En los primeros días de julio del 2010 la gente no hacía otra cosa pensar en la selección uruguaya. En el trabajo, en el centro de estudio y en los puestos de verduras de las esquinas de todos los barrios el tema era la selección uruguaya de fútbol y el mundial.
Continue reading A dos años del asesinato en la cárcel de Rocha.
Per Certe Alleanze – Kordian (Giuseppe Ciancabilla)
Ribattiamo il chiodo della possibilità di un’alleanza rivoluzionaria degli anarchici coi partiti affini, perché ci sembra valga la pena di essere discussa, e perché ci pare che certe illusioni conservate da parecchi nostri compagni, a tale riguardo, siano piuttosto dannose e cagionevoli di errori di tattica, di transazioni e di diminuzioni del nostro ideale che, per quanto transitorie, non cessano di essere fatali.
Continue reading Per Certe Alleanze – Kordian (Giuseppe Ciancabilla)
Crítica y Análisis del Anarquismo Hoy (Giovanni Barcia-16/02/1998)
Gritos en el cielo del silencio: ¡Habla el aire!
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