Tag Archives: text

en/it/es – The Ideology of Victimization – Feral Faun

n New Orleans, just outside the French Quarter, there’s a bit of stenciled graffiti on a fence that reads: “Men Rape.” I used to pass by this nearly every day. The first time I saw this, it pissed me off because I knew the graffitist would define me as a ‘man’ and I have never desired to rape anyone. Nor have any of my bepenised friends.
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Ai ferri corti. Romper con esta realidad, sus defensores y sus falsos críticos

Podemos traducirlo “En duelo a muerte con lo existente, sus defensores y sus falsos críticos”, no sin hacer ciertas aclaraciones semánticas que pueden ser de utilidad para entender esta locución tan interesante como difícil de traducir. La expresión “ai ferri corti con…” se usa para caracterizar un punto de no retorno, de ruptura inminente y violenta de una relación con algo/alguien. “Ferri corti” se usa para hablar de las armas blancas (podría ser “dagas” o “puñales”) que constituían el último estadio de un típico duelo de los siglos pasados, la lucha con armas cortas, que se desarrollaba cuerpo a cuerpo y donde tenía especial importancia la destreza y rapidez de los contendientes, que luchaban para defender una cierta forma de honor. Todos estos núcleos forman parte de la constelación semántica de esta bella expresión.


– I –

“Cada uno puede terminar de regocijarse en la esclavitud de aquello que no conoce y, rechazando la turba de palabras vacías, entablar un duelo cuerpo a cuerpo con la vida.”
C. Michelstaedter
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A Female Nihilist: The true story of the nihilist Olga Liubatovitch – Sergei Stepniak


On the 27th of July, in the year 1878, the little town of Talutorovsk, in Western Siberia, was profoundly excited by a painful event. A political prisoner, named Olga Litibatovitch, miserably put an end to her days. She was universally loved and esteemed, and her violent death therefore produced a most mournful impression throughout the town, and the Ispravnik, or chief of the police, was secretly accused of having driven the poor young girl, by his unjust persecutions, to take away her life.
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en/es – The Cops In Our Heads: Some thoughts on anarchy and morality by Feral Faun

In my travels over the past several months, I have talked with many anarchists who conceive of anarchy as a moral principle. Some go so far as to speak of anarchy as though it were a deity to whom they had given themselves–reinforcing my feeling that those who really want to experience anarchy may need to divorce themselves from anarchism.
Continue reading en/es – The Cops In Our Heads: Some thoughts on anarchy and morality by Feral Faun