Tag Archives: solidarity

Sin Banderas Ni Fronteras – El poder festeja, nosotrxs no callamos

Reflexiones y autocríticas apoyando a Carla e Iván.

Como ya es sabido, el día 16 de Abril fueron detenidxs lxs compañerxs Carla Verdugo e Iván Silva portando un artefacto explosivo, según la policía. La prensa del poder comunicó que ambos fueron interceptados por una patrulla policial que los identificó como sujetos sospechosos y los detuvo al revisar sus mochilas.

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Cyprus: International networking & solidarity call to anarchist/anti-authoritarian student collectives

For those who do not know us, we are the anti-authoritarian student group Skapoulafrom Cyprus, based in Nicosia. Our call is mainly addressed to similar student groups and undertakings in Greece, while we already made some contacts with school students from Turkey.
Continue reading Cyprus: International networking & solidarity call to anarchist/anti-authoritarian student collectives

Athens – Solidarity Benefetit Consert for the Revolutionary Struggle case

Benefit Concert for the R.S. case.

Entrance 3 euro

Athens, Saturday May 26th 2012, 21.00

Polytechnic University (polutexneio)

Assembly for R.S. case

The concert is being held in order to cover a part of the court expenses of the comrades

who are tried for the case of the Revolutionary Struggle

as well as for the organization of a two-day event on June 7th and 8th at Pandio university

– For the struggle and the Revolution- where will participate invited comrades from Europe.


Serres (Grecia) – Corteo in solidarietà a Rami Syrianos

da actforfree

trad. ParoleArmate

Un corteo solidale ha avuto luogo nel centro di Serres il 19 maggio partecipato da circa 100 persone, per il compagno anarchico Rami Syrianos che è in sciopero della fame dal 15 maggio, RICHIEDENDO la fine dell’isolamento e il trasferimento dalla prigione di Nigrita.

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Fuck the bosses and their projects of destruction

You are here tonight to enjoy a gig, which is going to be great. But it’s not just a gig!
The reason why five bands are playing tonight is to express solidarity with a struggle going on in Italy for more than twenty years, the struggle in the Susa valley (northern Italy) known as NO TAV.
What is TAV?
TAV is the high speed railway, a project that means destruction of the ecosystem, transformation of natural landscapes into horrible travelling routes for businessmen and rich people, and expropriation of land.
Various Italian governments have been trying to implement this project for years, putting at risk one of the most beautiful mountain areas of the country.
The plan for the construction of a high speed railway track linking Turin (in Italy) to Lyon (in France) will irreversibly destroy the valley causing not only environmental disaster but also the disappearance of villages and traditional ways of life. And for what? For the creation of a colossal work that will only benefit the profits of the many companies involved in the project, as the new high speed railway line can only serve the interests of the very rich. Nobody else would ever use these useless and expansive trains.
The people of the Susa valley have been opposing this project of death since the early 1990s: construction yards have been occupied on a great number of occasions in spite of the brutal police repression unleashed by the governments in charge with violent clashes and mass arrests. Actions of sabotage have also been numerous and constant throughout all these years, and at times they have caused huge disruptions on the ‘normality’ of the capitalist system of production.

Following a day of resistance against the occupation troops of the government in the Susa Valley that took place in July last year, on January 2012 dozens of people were arrested, seven of whom are still being held. This gig is for them: practical support is very much needed and can bring some relief to the imprisoned comrades. But what all of us ought to do everywhere is to attack the structures of power, each in his or her way.

The struggle in the Susa valley hits at the core of the interests of the powerful because it is a mass struggle, a struggle from below, a struggle that expresses itself with attacks, practices of self-management and total disregard for political parties and institutions.



Addresses of the imprisoned comrades:

Alessio Del Sordo – CC Via Pianezza 300 – 10151 Torino – Italy
Maurizio Ferrari, Marcelo Damian Jara Marin, Niccolò Garufi – CC San Vittore – Piazza Filangeri 2 – 20123 Milano – Italy
Giorgio Rossetto – CR Cascina Felicina – Via Regioni Bronda 19/b – 12037 Saluzzo (CN) – Italy
Luca Cientanni – CC Corso Vercelli 168 – 10015 Ivrea (To) – Italy.
Juan Antonio Sorroche Fernandez – CC Via Beccaria 13 – Spini di Gardolo – Trento – Italy.

(this text was distribute the last 11th may during the Benefit gig for the NO TAV arrestees @ south London squat)

(it-es) Culmine solidale con la Casa de los anarquistas

Tutti gli anarchici europei che sono passati per Buenos Aires sono stati certamente in calle Brasil 1551. Anche noi abbiamo avuto occasione di frequentare i locali di calle Brasil, impressionati per il grande archivio anarchico che conserva tutta la storia del nostro movimento in territorio rioplatense. Ed è un colpo al cuore vedere quei locali sfuggiti ad un attacco così codardo.

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