Tag Archives: solidarity

en es – Chile- In Monday morning April 16 in the south region of Santiago de Chile, State police forces kidnapped our comrades Carla and Ivan

Act  for freedom now! receives and transmits:

Love is a whirlwind of original purity…

In Monday morning April 16 in the south region of Santiago de Chile, State police forces kidnapped our comrades Carla and Ivan, after being transferred to the Metropolitan South Police Station. On July 18, they will be accused for the alleged transfer of explosive material. The companion Carla is held in the women’s prison “San Joaquin” and comrade Ivan in the jail “Santiago I”. All till the “100 days of investigation” of the Prosecution.
Oxygen is how we feel, understand and assimilate the importance of a word.
Continue reading en es – Chile- In Monday morning April 16 in the south region of Santiago de Chile, State police forces kidnapped our comrades Carla and Ivan

en gr it- Greece: CCF – Bullets of words for the bullets of FAI/FRI

It is a wonderful moment, the moment that the enemy kneels and falls from the determination of your brothers and sisters. A few days ago Roberto Adinolfi, CEO-magister of the nuclear energy company Ansaldo Nucleare, was shot by our brothers and sisters of the Olga Cell of the Informal Anarchist Federation (FAI)–International Revolutionary Front (FRI). Roberto Adinolfi is a high priest of the new totalitarianism of science and technology imperatives. Science has become the modern religion of our time, promising an apathetic society the lethargy of a stuffed belly and artificial paradises in exchange for the coldness of an empty heart drowned in compromise.
The empire of scientific totalitarianism is fed by the vanity of an anthropocentric authoritarian civilization. A civilization imposed on our desires, our choices, the nature and animals, turning life into a quantitative scale to fit its miserable statistics. At the same time, contemporary people end up unable to even dare to live authentically, without hypocrisy, and as they sink deeper into their reliance on technological substitutes of real life they create illusions and superficial relationships. Now, with their scientific discoveries, they can ‘offer’ us more time to grow old but deprive us of a way to live authentically. So, science generates the coldest of all monsters of the human folly. It lays the technological fascistization of our lives. It lays genetic testing, electronic monitoring, laboratory animals, research statistics, the dictatorship of machines and numbers.
Alongside the high priests of nuclear energy like Adinolfi poison and plunder the nature, animals and people, dressing up their scientific crimes in the guise of evolution. The shootings of Adinolfi are the new poetry of anarchist action. In the social machine of indolence and compromise, the humanitarian appeals and the reformist inhibitions concerning ‘respect’ for human life will never miss. But in our own consciousness code things are clear. We don’t have any respect for human life as SELF-WORTH. What human life per se does is to produce the option of CHOICES. The CHOICES are those that give value to human life, or devalue and trivialize it. Thus, what is the reason to respect the human life of small and large tyrants like Adinolfi, who haven’t for even a moment respected our own lives?
The practice of armed attacks was, is and will be an integral part of the new anarchist urban guerrilla warfare. The choice of the COMRADES of FAI/FRI to name the cell that has attacked Adinolfi as Olga Cell after our comrade Olga Ekonomidou is a great honour for us and a profound act of friendship, one we will never forget. The bullets and the words of FAI/FRI have managed to break the impregnable of the specific conditions imposed on Olga in Diavata prisons and to storm the solitary cell where she is being held under disciplinary punishment, monitored 24 hours a day through CCTV camera; they have, thus, given her strength and smile now that she knows everything continues.
For us the Italian FAI/FRI is the Conspiracy’s second home, and half of our heart belongs to the Italian FAI/FRI. We look forward to the time when we will join our sisters and brothers of FAI/FRI and surge forward into new battles for the lasting anarchist insurrection. Both FAI/FRI and Conspiracy of Cells of Fire are not a prescription for canned answers, but they are a good way to begin with questions and queries for an authentic and free life. Comrades of FAI/FRI: may a bullet come with our every word, as thought comes with your every bullet… And life’s magazine continues to be loaded with dreams, desires, anxieties, tears, smiles, concerns, discussions, actions…
One day after the responsibility claim by the Olga Cell of FAI/FRI, we were informed by
the media
that the Bologna’s prosecution office, via the ridiculous puppet–public prosecutor Enrico Cieri, issued arrest warrants against us for the booby-trapped parcel that was sent to Berlusconi. More precisely, arrest warrants were issued for five of us (Panagiotis Argirou, Giorgos Nikolopoulos, Haris Hadjimihelakis, Gerasimos Tsakalos and Christos Tsakalos), as well as for two unrelated guys that have no connection whatsoever with the Conspiracy and the insurrectionary anarchy of FAI/FRI.
The warrants against us are in retaliation by the Bologna’s prosecution office for the attack of our sisters and brothers of the FAI/FRI Olga Cell. It is a desperate attempt of the Italian authorities to interrupt and impede the informal international network that has developed among the tens of FAI/FRI cells. But in vain. The invitation-inducement of Italian comrades to create an informal anarchist federation of anarchist of praxis and its constant advancement is already in the minds and hearts of comrades from around the world. No prosecution can ever stop it anywhere.

Continue reading en gr it- Greece: CCF – Bullets of words for the bullets of FAI/FRI

Resumen de acciones, análisis y solidaridad desde el Miting convocado el 23 de Marzo hasta hoy 8 de mayo, que mencionan al compañerx Tortuga y otrxs compas Presxs.

Agradecemos a lxs compas de Waronsociety y a todxs quienes que aportan con la traducción y difución al ingles o a cualquier idioma de este y otros textos. Un abrazo fraterno a la distancia.

24/03/12 Bomba de ruido contra Centro de Reinserción Social de Gendarmería en Puerto Montt, $hile. “Con este mínimo gesto quisimos inquietar la tranquilidad de los/as gendarmes que en ese momento estaban allí, como también solidarizar con el compañero Luciano, que ojala mediante este saludo sienta el ruido de la propaganda y la acción.” Ver en Liberación Total, Info en Ingles Waronsociety



El viernes 23 de marzo se realizo un miting informativo en plaza de armas de Santiago, $hile, en solidaridad con Luciano Pitronello. El llamado era para las 19 hrs, pero ya minutos antes rondaban y vigilaban los verdes asesinos y represores del Estado-Empresa era un piquete de cerca de 20 bastardos que al ver acercarse a jóvenes libertarios para iniciar el informativo, Carabineros los detiene para hacerles un control de identidad sin motivo, pues no alteraban el orden público, tampoco detenían el transito. Solamente querían expresar la verdad, una verdad que la prensa canalla silencia, oculta y tergiversa.

Continue reading Resumen de acciones, análisis y solidaridad desde el Miting convocado el 23 de Marzo hasta hoy 8 de mayo, que mencionan al compañerx Tortuga y otrxs compas Presxs.


Por sin banderas, ni fronteras.

Como ya es sabido, el día 16 de Abril fueron detenidxs lxs compañerxs Carla Verdugo e Iván Silva portando un artefacto explosivo, según la policía. La prensa del poder comunicó que ambos fueron interceptados por una patrulla policial que los identificó como sujetos sospechosos y los detuvo al revisar sus mochilas.



18h: Taller de cocina vegana (Sopa de pasta con lentejas).
19h: Charla “Experiencias de lucha dentro de la cárcel” a cargo de Baldomero Lara (compañero que ha salido recientemente de la cárcel).
Habrá un monólogo relacionado con la temática de las cárceles.
21h: Proyección del documental en homenaje a Xoxé Tarrío “Fugarse del infierno”.
22h: Degustación del taller de cocina.

Si vas a venir al taller de cocina trae: 1kg de Lentejas, apio fresco, 500g de pistones medianos, dos zanahorias, varios dientes de ajo, sal fina y aceite de oliva.



Concentración por la okupación – Martes 5 junio 2012 Madrid

En este momento histórico, duro para tod@s, donde cada día muchas personas se plantean cómo sobrevivir por ese sucio invento que es el dinero, la okupación se encuentra igualmente en una situación muy complicada para lograr permanecer siendo lo que es: una alternativa real al sistema social impuesto.

Continue reading Concentración por la okupación – Martes 5 junio 2012 Madrid