Tag Archives: solidarity

en it – Greece: Solidarity with imprisoned anarchist Olga Ekonomidou, member of CCF/FAI-IRF

Prisons are not improved; they are demolished with struggle, struggle, destruction…


Tuesday, May 29th, 2012

Comrade Olga Ekonomidou, member of the anarchist revolutionary organization Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, has been in solitary confinement for 25 days now in Diavata women’s prison, because she refused to undergo the—humiliating to her dignity—process of prison strip search, refusal realized by all comrades-members of CCF.
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Cochabamba, Bolivia – Colectivos e individualidades antiautoritarios contra detencion de activistas anarkistas!

Denuncia pública y política



Como colectivos e indiviuadilidades autónomxs de Cochabamba ante la detención, el allanamiento de sus hogares, maltrato y falsas acusaciones a lxs compañexs de Nina, Henry, Vico y Renato, denunciamos:

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Urgent solidarity call for arrested anarchists / turkey

Members of the Freedom to Earth Association (Yeryüzüne Özgürlük Derneği), who defend animal/earth/human freedom and green anarchists and anarchists as a whole, were taken by government anti-terrorism units from their homes simultaneously on May 14 at 5 a.m. They were kept under police custody for 4 days. While all of the members of the Freedom to Earth Association are now free, nine individuals, including vegan and vegetarians, were taken to prison where they remain today.

Our association, Freedom to Earth, works on some subjects like animal rights, human rights, and ecology. This is the first time an anti-terrorism operation was carried out by the police against animal rights and anarchist activists. The police claim that the arrested individuals were responsible for the May 1 attacks on banks and multi-national corperate stores in some areas in Istanbul. However, this is not and cannot be the case as these same individuals are against violence. In reality, the police were simply trying to silence and criminalize efforts like animal liberation, eco-defense and human liberation struggle.
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Athens-Thessaloikni, Greece – DOES WORK LIBERATE? Solidarity poster for anarchist Rami Sirianos and comrade Kleomenis Savanidis


received by sysiphus


17/01/2012 –



Work penetrates and determines our whole existence. Time flows merciless at her rhythm as we commute through identical depressive surroundings at an ever increasing pace. Working time…productive time…free time…Every single one of our activities falls within her context: acquiring knowledge is considered an investment for a future career, joy is transformed into entertainment and delves into an orgy of consumption, our creativity is crushed within the narrow limits of productivity, our relationships -even our erotic encounters- speak the language of performance and usability… Our perversion has reached such a point that we search for any form of work, even voluntary, in order to fill our existential void, in order to “do something”.
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Αλληλεγγύη στην Όλγα Οικονομίδου μέλος της Σ.Π.Φ.-FAI/IRF

Η συντρόφισσα Όλγα Οικονομίδου μέλος της αναρχικής επαναστατικής οργάνωσης Συνωμοσία Πυρήνων της Φωτιάς βρίσκεται εδώ και 25 μέρες στην απομόνωση των γυναικείων φυλακών στα Διαβατά λόγω της άρνησής της να υποβληθεί στην εξευτελιστική για την αξιοπρέπειά της διαδικασία του σωματικού ελέγχου, άρνηση που πραγματώνουν και όλοι οι σύντροφοι – μέλη της Σ.Π.Φ.
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On part, on revient tous ensable! 5/6 giornata NOTAV a Parigi

L’histoire No TAV, mouvement qui s’oppose à la construction de la ligne tgv Turin-Lyon, est celle d’un petit groupe d’irréductibles qui, grâce à son entêtement et à la force de ses idées, devient toujours plus grand et décide de mettre en échec les plans des gouvernements consacrés à la spéculation financière, totalement myopes envers les exigences des populations. Le mouvement No TAV a su sortir des vallées et parler au pays entier. Il a pu prendre une telle ampleur car le No TAV raconte le gaspillage de l’argent public en déclinant cette dénonciation à l’intérieur du débat actuel sur la dette et la crise financière. Le TAV est le symbole matériel de la volonté de faire payer la crise à ceux qui sont au plus bas niveau de la hiérarchie sociale, pour protéger les intérêts des élites et des lobbys. No TAV est la réponse donnée à ces milieux politiques incapables de nous représenter. C’est la réaction positive à ceux qui, en Italie comme en Grèce et en France, ne font que parler d’austérité et de sacrifices à faire,en nous disant qu’il n’y a pas d’alternatives à cela.
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