Tag Archives: responsibility claim

es en / B$. A$.: Ataques a coches de la burguesia y seguridad privada x la FAI

Sobre amenazas y perros que ladran.

Por motivos que son mas que obvios, nos vemos obligados a hacer una lectura sobre el contexto rioplatense y así poder aclarar unos puntos que a nuestro entender  son importantes mencionar.
Continue reading es en / B$. A$.: Ataques a coches de la burguesia y seguridad privada x la FAI

Athens: Responsibility claim for incendiary attacks by the Revolutionary Groups of Terror Dispersion (CCF/FAI-IRF)

The following extract is dedicated to anarchist revolutionaries Yannis Michailidis and Dimitris Politis, who are wanted by the authorities for suspected participation in the anarchist revolutionary organization CCF and will never give themselves up! May our fires give you strength and our ashes hide your traces, brothers.
Continue reading Athens: Responsibility claim for incendiary attacks by the Revolutionary Groups of Terror Dispersion (CCF/FAI-IRF)

Anarchists attack development company’s office in solidarity with Eric McDavid & Marie Mason — Seattle, WA


“Last night the Street of Dreams Corporate Office (located outside of Seattle) had its windows etched out and anarchist graffiti painted on it. This was done for June 11th, in solidarity with all anarchist prisoners including Marie Mason & Eric McDavid, in memory of Avalon and as part of the continual struggle against the destruction of the earth.”


Quebec: Communique for a railway sabotage during capitalist conference

A major railroad was sabotaged during the evening of Wednesday June 13th, in a farming area near Farnham, Quebec, in response to the call by the CLASSE for a day of nation-wide actions against the Montreal Conference of the International Economic Forum of the Americas.
Continue reading Quebec: Communique for a railway sabotage during capitalist conference