We took the political responsibility for participation in the organization Revolutionary Struggle. Consciously we did not choose to position ourselves concerning the “story” that was presented to us here by the witness Papathanasakis -which of course, was transferred to him-, the facts he described and what the ΔΑΕΕΒ (special violent crime squad) judged as enough proof to proceed to arrests. We consciously chose to not go into the process of speaking of phone conversations, mobile phones, the appointments presented by the ΔΑΕΕΒ, to distance ourselves from the investigation carried out by the advocates -and only by them since until this moment at least the judges have not preformed any significant examination of this specific witness-, on whether they were serious, real, worthy, capable enough to go ahead to arrests and imprisonments.
Tag Archives: prisoner
Grecia: Carta de Olga Ikonomidou desde la celda de aislamiento
En este momento estoy escribiendo estas pocas líneas desde el aislamiento. 30 días del aislamiento es el precio de mi rechazo a vender mi dignidad, por 5 minutos obedeciendo al humillación del cacheo.
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[BCN] Llibertat Andreu i Ruben. Més informació.
Ací s’adjunten nous documents, manifestos, vídeos i convocatòries al voltant dels últims esdeveniments a barcelona amb la detenció i empressonament de Ruben i Andreu, dos joves que participaven a l’assemblea de Sants, Ruben membre de col·lectiu Negres Tempestes i Andreu militant de Maulets.
Continue reading [BCN] Llibertat Andreu i Ruben. Més informació.
11 de junio, Atenas: Noticias sobre el Tribunal de Apelaciones del anarquista Andrzej Mazurek, preso de la revuelta de diciembre de 2008
Hoy es el segundo aniversario del día internacional en solidaridad con Marie Mason, Eric McDavis y otrxs presxs anarquistas de larga duración.
El mismo día, se convocó en Atenas una concentración solidaria por el juicio de apelación del compa Andrzej Mazurek, encarcelado tras imputársele cargos fabricados en el marco de los disturbios de diciembre de 2008. Cuando fue encarcelado en las prisiones de Larisa, varios compañeros presos difundieron el caso extensamente en diciembre de 2011. Por eso, a Andrzej, la Asamblea de solidaridad con lxs combatientes presxs y perseguidxs/Atenas lo llama el “preso olvidado de la rebelión de diciembre de 2008″.
Continue reading 11 de junio, Atenas: Noticias sobre el Tribunal de Apelaciones del anarquista Andrzej Mazurek, preso de la revuelta de diciembre de 2008
Leeds banner-drop in support of John Bowden
Commuters coming in to Leeds this morning were greeted with the truth about Brendan ‘Pinocchio’ Barnett, the lying prison social worker who has been victimising militant prisoner John Bowden. The banner-drop took place as part of a Day of Action in support of John Bowden today, Monday June 11th.
The Free Art of a Free Spirit by Bruno Filippi
Row after row of those who are more morally than physically chronic consumptives, pinheads, cripples, hunchbacks, blind; horrible faces sculpted by vice, by syphilis, by alcohol.
Whose toothless, yellow, slobbering mouths vomited against my horrible insults.
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Text by the members of the r.o. ccf Christos tsakalos & giorgos nikolopoulos. (Thursday, june 23th, 2011)
In relation to the summons they received for the inflammatory parcel that was sent to Berlusconi.
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Discuss June 11th
This is a stub where activities related to June 11th – a day of solidarity for long term anarchist prisoners can be discussed and historicized.
June 11th in Athens: News on the appeals court of anarchist André Mazurek, prisoner of the December ’08 uprising
Today marks the second anniversary of the international day of solidarity with Marie Mason, Eric McDavid and other long-term anarchist prisoners.
Continue reading June 11th in Athens: News on the appeals court of anarchist André Mazurek, prisoner of the December ’08 uprising
(it-en) Atene – Aggiornamento sul processo del “secondo caso Halandri”
29 Maggio 2012
L’udienza è stata puramente burocratica, con la lettura della lista delle accuse da parte dei giudici. Gli avvocati difensivi hanno detto che alla prossima udienza sottoscriveranno alcune richieste scritte riguardo al processo, aggiungendo le proprie considerazioni. Il processo è stato rinviato a mercoledi 30 Maggio.
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