Tag Archives: prisoner

Santiago, Chile: Hallan manual de bombas en celda de Marcelo Villarroel

Lo siguiente fue extraído desde la prensa, y por lo mismo no dudamos de que se trate de un montaje o noticia falsa (recordemos que hace poco Marcelo fue sometido a un régimen de aislamiento por su rebeldía, y no dudamos de que esto sea otra maniobra para fastidiar al compa).
Continue reading Santiago, Chile: Hallan manual de bombas en celda de Marcelo Villarroel

CAL: Comunicato sull’operazione repressiva del 13 giugno

Il 13 giugno abbiamo assistito all’ennesima ondata repressiva antianarchica che ha portato all’arresto di dieci persone, a 40 perquisizioni e 24 indagati. Il titolare dell’inchiesta è il PM della Procura di Perugia Manuela Comodi, già nota per fantasiosi teoremi repressivi puntualmente crollati.
Continue reading CAL: Comunicato sull’operazione repressiva del 13 giugno

15 Anarchists, 3 of them high school students, are in Prison

On the 14th and 28th of May, 14 people were arrested by the “Anti Terror” Police raids done accounting that some private companies’ windows were broken on the 1st of May 2012 in Istanbul. One more person was arrested last week and the number of people in prison has risen 15 in total.
Continue reading 15 Anarchists, 3 of them high school students, are in Prison


Hola querid@s compas, como ya sabrán (dentro y fuera de México) me encuentro hospitalizado por lesiones en la espinilla, pierna y brazo derecho.  Por el momento estoy “bien” en lo que cabe, me preocupa mi salud y también me preocupan un par de cosas las cuales expondré en algunos puntos.

en es – Summary of day 22 (Friday, June 22) of 2nd Halandri Case trial

Comrades Giorgos Nikolopoulos, Michalis Nikolopoulos, and Christos Tsakalos—in a gesture of solidarity with Olga Economidou, who has been locked up in solitary confinement at Diavata Prison for 49 days—demanded that the trial be suspended. Comrade Damiano Bolano also submitted the same demand in writing, since he didn’t attend the trial in person.
Continue reading en es – Summary of day 22 (Friday, June 22) of 2nd Halandri Case trial