325 issue#9 / Oct 2011 (Magazine)
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Tag Archives: informal
Italia: El triunfo del Genio Destructor
¡Ah! El aroma y la pestilencia se mezclan.
Para escalar la cumbre hacen falta uñas afiladas y manos preparadas para las heridas más dolorosas.
Mientras se escala la cumbre de una humanidad decadente, caen, caen las rocas que se deshacen bajo los dedos…
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A few notes on anarchist revolutionary solidarity and the struggle against prison
I’m writing these lines concerning the subjects of Solidarity and prison. I hope this can clarify the anarchist perspective as concerns revolutionary solidarity and the difference between solidarity and support, which is anyway necessary. These opinions of mine are open to discussion.
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Italie – Le Triomphe du Génie Destructeur
Ah ! Fragrance et puanteur se mélangent.
Pour escalader le sommet, des clous affûtés et des mains prêtes à endurer les blessures les plus douloureuses sont requis
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Italie : Pas de quoi s’étonner (sur l’opération «Ardire» et cette truie de Comodi)
L’énième enquête, portée devant l’énième parquet, contre les compagnons anarchistes ne nous surprend pas dans l’absolu car c’était dans l’air.
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Reggio, scritte murali di matrice politica dai toni minacciosi. Due informazioni di garanzia della Digos
Italy: More updates regarding the ‘operation boldness’; reports on police raids; all prison addresses
it en – La Nuova Inquisizione, Caccia Agli Anarchici
Scritto da Joel
Come nell’inquisizione ma questa volta le vittime non sono le donne sospettate di stregoneria ma anarchici accusati di terrorismo, parola che va molto in voga da quasi 12 anni.
Questa volta pero’ la notizia che riceviamo sconvolge un po’ piu’ del solito visto che colpisce anche noi di punk4free.
Continue reading it en – La Nuova Inquisizione, Caccia Agli Anarchici
The Bourgeois Roots of Anarcho-Syndicalism by Feral Faun
“We favor the development of a worker’s movement based on direct democracy, not just because it will be more effective in the present day fight against the employing class, but also because it foreshadows – and lays the basis for – a society of freedom and equality, without authoritarianism or exploitation.”
-from a flyer put out by the Workers Solidarity Alliance, an anarcho-syndicalist organization.
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Sappiamo chi sono i finanziatori italiani del terrorismo in Cile! [comunicato] Febbraio, 2011
Continue reading Sappiamo chi sono i finanziatori italiani del terrorismo in Cile! [comunicato] Febbraio, 2011