If the question is not that of how to make revolution, it becomes that of how to avoid it.
Continue reading (en/it/fr)-WAITING FOR THE APOCALYPSE: The Ideology of Collapse and the Avoidance of Revolutionary Responsibility
Tag Archives: en
en/fr/it/de – Greece: Antifascist action in Ioannina
The parliamentarian fascists are seeking to purchase consensus by throwing money at the local market of Ioannina, and beyond. Antifascist comrades wished to remind to any money grubber who does business with Nazis that the trade of fascism doesn’t only bring profits, but also causes damages…
Continue reading en/fr/it/de – Greece: Antifascist action in Ioannina
(en/fr)-The End of the World by Mare Almani (Diavolo in Corpo)
On September 13, 1999, at the power station at Tokaimura on the Pacific coast of Japan, the most serious nuclear accident since the time of Chernobyl took place. During a laboratory experiment, three technicians spilled sixteen kilograms of uranium into a sedimentation tank designed to hold little more than two. The error started a chain reaction that continued for many hours, contaminating the entire area surrounding the station for a radius of several kilometers.
Continue reading (en/fr)-The End of the World by Mare Almani (Diavolo in Corpo)
Anarchist Melbourne Bookfair
EMILE HENRY “Why I Fired Into the Crowd” 1894
It is not a defence that I present to you. I am not in any way seeking to escape the reprisals of the society I have attacked. Besides, I acknowledge only one tribunal – myself, and the verdict of any other is meaningless to me. I wish merely to give you an explanation of my acts and to tell you how I was led to perform them.
Continue reading EMILE HENRY “Why I Fired Into the Crowd” 1894
en fr – Brussels – Riots in the prison of St-Gilles
BRUSSELS – At the announcement of the strike of the administrative and psycho-social services of the prisons two weeks ago, prisoners in St-Gilles refused to go back to their cells after the walk.
Continue reading en fr – Brussels – Riots in the prison of St-Gilles
(en/fr)Greece – Responsibility claim for attack on Radio station Diavlos in Rodopi North Greece
Translated by Actforfreedomnow/boubourAs
Responsibility claim for attack on Radio station, Greece
The elections are over
The war continues
Athens – Responsibility Claim Attack on Nea Dimokratia offices in Terpsithea area in Athens.
Translated by Actforfreedomnow/boubourAs
As we have said before, if elections were a phenomenon which would really change something, they would be illegal!
Demonstration Against the EDL – Bristol (uk)
The English Defence League (EDL) has announced it intends to march in Bristol on Saturday 14th July.The date is set to coincide with Bristol’s Pride parade.
Continue reading Demonstration Against the EDL – Bristol (uk)
Fragment – Parabola – Ope Legis (Federico Buono-Edizioni Cerbero)
The parabola Ope Legis is the existential abode of those who redeem their lives in the ordinary-order of life.
Continue reading Fragment – Parabola – Ope Legis (Federico Buono-Edizioni Cerbero)