Tag Archives: CCF

(it-en-es-gr) Comunicato della Cospirazione delle Cellule di Fuoco circa le nuove accuse

I) La scelta di rivendicare la responsabilità e di non capitolare

Noi, come Cospirazione delle Cellule di Fuoco, abbiamo scelto di rivendicare all’interno della prigione la nostra responsabilità in merito alla partecipazione al nostro progetto. La rivendicazione è il minimo per difendere e onorare le azioni più belle che abbiamo condiviso. Non come memoria che svanisce dopo i nostri arresti ma come realtà e prospettiva attuale di realizzazione delle nostre azioni nel presente, qui e ora.
Continue reading (it-en-es-gr) Comunicato della Cospirazione delle Cellule di Fuoco circa le nuove accuse

en es – Invitation to contribute to the book Poems of Love and War


WOS note: Below is an invitation for contributions to a book of poems that will be dedicated to combatants who have fallen or been locked away by the State. If you wish to contribute to the book, send your poems to our email address and we will get them to the editorial group as well as helping in the translation.

Invitation to contribute to the book
Poems of Love and War

Continue reading en es – Invitation to contribute to the book Poems of Love and War

Texto de Giorgos Polydoros, miembro de la CCF, Grecia (11 de diciembre de 2011)

La siguiente carta de Giorgos Polydoros fue publicada ya hace tiempo, el 11 de diciembre de 2011 (en griego está en dos partes, aquí : http://athens.indymedia.org/front.php3?lang=el&article_id=1361818 y http://athens.indymedia.org/front.php3?lang=el&article_id=1361821)

Nunca “censuramos” los textos que traducimos, tampoco usamos “x” para hacer las palabras menos machistas si lxs compañerxs mismxs no lo hicieron. A nuestrxs compañerxs no les vamos a “corregir”, cambiar lo que dijeron, justificar, etc. Sin embargo, hay veces en que no podemos dejar su texto sin una crítica solidaria pero clara. Por esto, nos sentimos obligadxs a señalar dos puntos en la siguiente carta con los cuales sí tenemos problemas. En primer lugar se trata de una frase que termina el capítulo 7, la que menciona a unos anarquistas presos como ejemplo de la infamia. Según nuestra opinión es una acusación demasiado grave para “echarla en el aire” así. Si consideramos que uno o una es “infame” y consideramos necesario decirlo públicamente (no siempre el primero tiene que implicar el segundo, por varias razones) siempre debemos nombrar a esa persona. Aunque nosotrxs aquí en Grecia nos imaginamos bastante bien contra quiénes se dirigen esas palabras, seguramente no es nuestra tarea revelarlo. Nuestro segundo problema es el uso de la palabra “maricón” en la última parte de la carta. Para nosotrxs también la homofobia se encuentra entre los valores de la sociedad a la que queremos destruir.
Continue reading Texto de Giorgos Polydoros, miembro de la CCF, Grecia (11 de diciembre de 2011)

Comunicado de Núcleo de Miembrxs Presxs de la Conspiración de Células del Fuego, Grecia (26 de marzo de 2012)

1. Reivindicación de responsabilidad y de no rendición

Nosotrxs, como Conspiración de Células del Fuego – Núcleo de Miembrxs Presxs, hemos optado por asumir, desde prisión, la responsabilidad de nuestra participación en nuestro proyecto. La reivindicación de responsabilidad es la manera mínima de defender y honrar las situaciones más bellas y las acciones que hemos compartido. No como un recuerdo que se desvanece después de nuestros arrestos, sino como una realidad viva y como perspectiva de continuación de nuestra actividad, en el presente continuo, en el aquí y ahora.
Continue reading Comunicado de Núcleo de Miembrxs Presxs de la Conspiración de Células del Fuego, Grecia (26 de marzo de 2012)


Dear companion, dear comrades of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, first phase:


Maybe too late, surely too short I respond to your call, to your proposal.

But I respond with a solidal heart, within the timeless time of the struggle for freedom.

I respond with warmth and revolutionary love, within the timeless time of our revolutionary path without history, beyond any false story of the rulers, where our generations in struggle are the only present always alive.

Athens: Letter from CCF imprisoned member Christos Tsakalos, who has been on hunger strike from April 8th (Greece)

‘When one does not die for the other, then we are already dead’
[Tasos Livaditis]

I am not a humanist and therefore will not talk like a humanist. I place myself on the side of the anarchists of praxis. In the battle for a free life without leaders and minions, often a price to pay is the prison. This price has been imposed on me a year ago, since I am imprisoned–CAPTIVE by the State. Captive but not defeated; because for me, as an anarchist urban guerrilla, prison is a temporary stop but never the terminal. During this whole year, I did not allow prison to tame or to ‘correct’ me, or to subdue my body and my memory through the dead repetition of the time-jailer.
Continue reading Athens: Letter from CCF imprisoned member Christos Tsakalos, who has been on hunger strike from April 8th (Greece)

Summary of day 19 (Friday, May 25) of 2nd Halandri Case trial

The session was purely bureaucratic, with the presiding judge and another judge simply reading out the list of charges. The defense attorneys stated that at the next session they would be submitting a number of written petitions regarding legal procedure, as well as adding their own commentary. The trial was adjourned to Wednesday, May 30.




en it – Athens: Solidarity poster for the CCF case


250 are the incendiary and explosive actions of the organization against state and capitalist targets, such as residences of Members of Parliament and of judges, police stations, bank branches, the offices of Chrissi Avgi/Golden Dawn, Koridallos prisons, the Greek Parliament, Sarkozy, Merkel…


137 are the years of imprisonment that the first in a series of emergency courts-martial dished out to accused of participation in the organization.
Continue reading en it – Athens: Solidarity poster for the CCF case

en es it – Athens: Anarchist comrade Stella Antoniou released from prison

On Monday, June 4th, Stella was finally released from Koridallos women’s prisons because she reached the limit of 18month pretrial detention. However, restrictive conditionshave been imposed on her (as in the case of Takis Masouras and Nina Karakatsani, who had stepped out of prison under cautionary measures, too) after the recent wave of new prosecutions against many of our comrades, in relation to the 250 CCF attacks.
Continue reading en es it – Athens: Anarchist comrade Stella Antoniou released from prison