Tag Archives: book
Dissonances – Alfredo M. Bonanno (Ravage editions)
Receuil de textes d’Alfredo Bonanno
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Au centre du volcan (Ravage Editions)
Il y a des écrits, parfois, rarement même, qui réussissent à parler à toutes les parties de votre cerveau en même temps. Au centre du volcan, qui apparait ici pour la première fois en français est de ceux-là.
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Locked Up by A.M. Bonanno
— to read
Locked Up by Alfredo M.Bonanno (Elephant Editions) + Cover
Fra Contadini – Un dialogue entre deux paysans sur l’anarchie
Écrit en 1883 et publié en 1884 à Florence, ce dialogue entre paysans fut un véritable succès de propagande anarchiste en Italie d’abord et dans le reste du monde ensuite.
Continue reading Fra Contadini – Un dialogue entre deux paysans sur l’anarchie
Notre Individualisme et autres textes…
The Blurred Trail of Os Cangaceiros In The Social Pampas (Os Cangaceiros)
Os Cangaceiros was a group of working class revolutionaries
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Uncivilized: The best of Green Anarchy Magazine
From LBC BooksFrom 2001 until 2008 the Eugene Oregon collective that produced Green Anarchy magazine created the most exciting refresh of one of the oldest kinds of Anarchism, Green Anarchism. Instead of geography, ecology, & windmills Green Anarchy magazine presented anthropology, action, and crazed theory against civilization.
Uncivilized is this story and more. It collects the uncompromising attack against civilization, technology, the Left that GA provided shaped into a weapon for the next generation of anti-civilization anarchists. In this vein we announce the publishing of Uncivilized: The best of Green Anarchy Magazine on the new Green Anarchy imprint of LBC Books. You can find the book here. |
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In addition to publishing the book we have collaborated with Anarchy Planet to make sure that the PDFs of Green Anarchy magazine will never disappear. Every issue (#6-#25) of Green Anarchy can be found at http://greenanarchy.anarchyplanet.org.
Continue reading Uncivilized: The best of Green Anarchy Magazine