Category Archives: informal

en it – Athens: Solidarity poster for the CCF case


250 are the incendiary and explosive actions of the organization against state and capitalist targets, such as residences of Members of Parliament and of judges, police stations, bank branches, the offices of Chrissi Avgi/Golden Dawn, Koridallos prisons, the Greek Parliament, Sarkozy, Merkel…


137 are the years of imprisonment that the first in a series of emergency courts-martial dished out to accused of participation in the organization.
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en es it – Athens: Anarchist comrade Stella Antoniou released from prison

On Monday, June 4th, Stella was finally released from Koridallos women’s prisons because she reached the limit of 18month pretrial detention. However, restrictive conditionshave been imposed on her (as in the case of Takis Masouras and Nina Karakatsani, who had stepped out of prison under cautionary measures, too) after the recent wave of new prosecutions against many of our comrades, in relation to the 250 CCF attacks.
Continue reading en es it – Athens: Anarchist comrade Stella Antoniou released from prison

en es it – To the insurgent comrades – report on the recent events in Bolivia

from culmine, transl waronsociety, by Some Wayward Noctilucae FAI/FRI:

The following text has come out of the necessity of making known to the comrades of the insurrectional struggle around the world what happened, distancing ourselves from the solidarity that has been manifested thus far, which has been, along with the press, the only means for informing ourselves of the situation. We refer to the texts from collectives, individuals of the Bolivian territory who in coming out (see this text) in the face of what happened have taken recourse to protesting and pleading for the “right to free expression,” illogically since it is an illegal action that the state is trying to condemn, affirming that the four arrested are innocent when it is known that one of them does not accept this qualification, and other similar claims. For our part we are interested in widening, by means of our possibilities, the information that is circulating on the web, without any intention of identifying anyone as innocent or guilty, much less victimizing, denouncing, demanding, repudiating or protesting about the “repressive action of the Bolivian state,” since none of these notions corresponds with our anarchist principles.
Continue reading en es it – To the insurgent comrades – report on the recent events in Bolivia

en it – Crematory used for incinerating bodies of stray dogs is bombed in Chernigov, Ukraine

Act for freedom now    receives and transmits



“The time will come when men such as I will look upon the murder of animals as they now look upon the murder of men.” – Leonardo Da Vinci “

The way we treat animals is measure of us as human beings. Without animals there will be no humanity. In a world devoid of animal and plant life, human life will cost less than nothing.” – Somebody we wholeheartedly support …

Continue reading en it – Crematory used for incinerating bodies of stray dogs is bombed in Chernigov, Ukraine

Noi Anarchici Contro La Violenza. I Terroristi di Genova sono Leninisti

La Federazione Anarchica Italiana, la più importante del paese, rifiuta la violenza in quanto forma di prevaricazione («La violenza è la forma più grave di prevaricazione e per noi libertari è inaccettabile» spiegano a Linkiesta). L’attentato di Genova a Roberto Adinolfi, dicono, non è quindi degno degli anarchici, ma anzi sarebbe di carattere “leninista”. E la qualifica di “leninista” per un anarchico non è un complimento.
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Della lotta armata e di alcuni imbecilli

Nel nostro paese la situazione politica e sociale mostra chiari segni di un’involuzione autoritaria su scala globale. Il dispiegarsi di politiche disciplinari in risposta alle questioni sociali è segno che il tempo dei compromessi, delle socialdemocrazie sta tramontando. Potremmo dover fare i conti con il rischio che si impongano regimi decisamente autoritari. La criminalizzazione dei movimenti sociali e degli anarchici, prepara il terreno e nuovi dispositivi repressivi: nuove leggi, nuovi procedimenti penali, una sempre più forte torsione delle normative vigenti, un sempre maggior controllo militare del territorio.
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Gli anarchici, i media, il ferimento di Adinolfi

Anarres ha fatto una lunga chiacchierata con Massimo Varengo della FAI milanese sulla campagna antianarchica dei media, sul ferimento dell’amministratore delegato di Ansaldo nucleare Adinolfi, sulla FAI informale, sulla violenza, la lotta armata, l’azione diretta popolare.

Ascolta l’intervista a Massimo

scarica l’audio

Nell’articolo che segue Massimo riprende gran parte dei temi affrontati nella chiacchierata con Anarres a radio Blackout.
Il suo articolo è stato pubblicato sul numero di questa settimana di Umanità Nova.
Continue reading Gli anarchici, i media, il ferimento di Adinolfi



Nuestras vidas son miserables, de ello no cabe la menor duda. Pero la miserabilidad cotidiana de nuestra existencia es ocultada detrás del velo que las diversas representaciones proyectan, ocultando el verdadero horror de nuestras existencias diarias.
Nuestro nacimiento es el primer acto de sometimiento y de servidumbre que sufrimos y, que se profundizara aún más en un futuro muy cercano.
El poder, por intermedio de las multiplicidades de instituciones de dominio y de control social, nos inocula el virus del temor, del rebaño, y el de la cotidianeidad.
Hay que ser como todos, ese es el estereotipo que nos ordenan, no hay que salirse de las pautas fijadas, debemos cumplir el rol que la sociedad espectacular nos ha predeterminado, aún antes de nacer.
De casa al trabajo y del trabajo a casa, es un viejo adagio popular, que todos los Estados y el capital aplican, no vaya a ser que al desviarse del camino establecido, extrañas ideas puedan ser inyectadas en las mentes de los individuos / as, y que seguramente mucho efecto podrá ocasionar en aquellas individualidades que ha tenido la posibilidad de desvelar los distintos telones que la simulación espectacular monta, a los solos fines de su ejercicio controlador.
Pero, la fascinación que provoca los valores y los roles son muy poderosos Y, no por el sólo hecho de expresar que nos hemos desembarazados de los mismos, aquellos no ejercen en cierta manera de alguna influencia. Dichas pautas y roles deambulan como fantasmas al acecho de aquellas individualidades que han comenzado a rebelarse como individuos / as, iniciando el largo camino de negación y de ruptura de todos los valores, creencias y dogmas morales.
Este proceso negador genera incertidumbres. Ello es así, y no cabe la menor duda, ya que las incertezas, es donde anida los fantasmas, que pueden conducirnos a distintas variantes de pasividad, bajo la advocación de una nueva armonía o punto de equilibrio, que no es otra cosa, que el encadenamiento de nuestro ser a una nueva deidad secular, en reemplazo de la muerta.
Continue reading EL DILEMA DEL INDIVIDUO: Borrego o Rebelde