ΣΥΓΚΕΝΤΡΩΣΗ ΑΛΛΗΛΕΓΓΥΗΣ: Πέμπτη 7/6, 9.00 π.μ, Δικαστήρια Ευελπίδων

Η κρατική δολοφονία του Nicola Toddi

Στις 16 Φλεβάρη 2010 η γειτονιά του Βύρωνα μετατρέπεται σε αιματηρό πεδίο μάχης. Κατά τη διάρκεια “μυστικής επιχείρησης” για τη σύλληψη κάποιων “περιβόητων κακοποιών”, 9 σφαίρες μπάτσων καταλήγουν στην πλάτη του νεαρού μετανάστη Nicho Toddi που γύριζε αμέριμνος από τη δουλειά του. “Δεν πήγε τίποτα λάθος” (όπως δήλωσε ο αρχηγός της ΕΛΑΣ)· προφανώς, γιατί η ζωή ήταν πάντα “μια παράπλευρη απώλεια” στην αντίληψη της εξουσίας.

και μια ελάχιστη απάντηση

Το Σάββατο 27 Φλεβάρη 2010, 600 άτομα πορεύονται στους δρόμους του Βύρωνα επιχειρώντας να σπάσουν τη συνενοχική σιωπή που η δημοκρατία επιβάλλει για να αποχρωματίσει τα “μελανά της σημεία”, τις “ατυχίες” και τις “αστοχίες” της. Όταν κανείς δεν μιλάει, ο θάνατος και η βία απλώνονται στο σώμα της πόλης.
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Jean Marc Rouillan, histórico preso político, en libertad condicional

Jean Marc Rouillan, perseverante activista político que actuó como fundador de los llamados G.A.C. (Grupos Autónomos de Combate), que luego serían más conocidos como MIL (Movimiento Ibérico de Liberación), y escritor de varias obras donde relata sus experiencias en el marco de esas guerrillas y grupos armados anti-fascistas que trascendieron más allá de la mera lucha anti-fascista y se enfocaron luego hacia la lucha contra el capitalismo y el Estado, se encuentra en libertad condicional desde el pasado viernes 18 de Mayo, después de que el martes 15 de Mayo la apelación de la fiscalía contra la decisión del tribunal de conceder a Jean Marc la libertad condicional fuese rechazada.

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Summary of day 19 (Friday, May 25) of 2nd Halandri Case trial

The session was purely bureaucratic, with the presiding judge and another judge simply reading out the list of charges. The defense attorneys stated that at the next session they would be submitting a number of written petitions regarding legal procedure, as well as adding their own commentary. The trial was adjourned to Wednesday, May 30.




What is Left? Nihilism vs. Socialism

The history of socialism is a noble tradition. It has been an epithet used by tyrants to curse their enemies and a flag by which working people transformed their workplace and the societies that they lived in. Almost every story we hear that involves someone standing up to authority involves socialism. It is the valiant story of individuals and groups who attempted to transform the status quo of their time against overwhelming odds. Socialism has changed peoples’ expectations of rights, fairness, work, and the kind of leadership they should expect.
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en it – Athens: Solidarity poster for the CCF case


250 are the incendiary and explosive actions of the organization against state and capitalist targets, such as residences of Members of Parliament and of judges, police stations, bank branches, the offices of Chrissi Avgi/Golden Dawn, Koridallos prisons, the Greek Parliament, Sarkozy, Merkel…


137 are the years of imprisonment that the first in a series of emergency courts-martial dished out to accused of participation in the organization.
Continue reading en it – Athens: Solidarity poster for the CCF case

en es it – Athens: Anarchist comrade Stella Antoniou released from prison

On Monday, June 4th, Stella was finally released from Koridallos women’s prisons because she reached the limit of 18month pretrial detention. However, restrictive conditionshave been imposed on her (as in the case of Takis Masouras and Nina Karakatsani, who had stepped out of prison under cautionary measures, too) after the recent wave of new prosecutions against many of our comrades, in relation to the 250 CCF attacks.
Continue reading en es it – Athens: Anarchist comrade Stella Antoniou released from prison