Domenica 17 giugno 2012
iniziativa benefit inguaiati/e con la legge a sostegno delle spese legali dei compagni/e di crema
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Tag Archives: solidarity
Seattle, WA: Vandalism to Street of Dreams corporate office
from pugetsoundanarchists (link added by WOS):
Last night the Street of Dreams Corporate Office (located outside of Seattle) had its windows etched out and anarchist graffiti painted on it. This was done for June 11th, in solidarity with all anarchist prisoners including Marie Mason & Eric McDavid, in memory of Avalon and as part of the continual struggle against the destruction of the earth.
Discuss June 11th
This is a stub where activities related to June 11th – a day of solidarity for long term anarchist prisoners can be discussed and historicized.
June 11th in Athens: News on the appeals court of anarchist André Mazurek, prisoner of the December ’08 uprising
Today marks the second anniversary of the international day of solidarity with Marie Mason, Eric McDavid and other long-term anarchist prisoners.
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Solidarité révolutionnaire – Pierleone Porcu
Il y a de nombreuses manières de manifester de la solidarité envers des compagnons criminalisés par l’État, chacune d’entre elles est une expression directe de la manière dont on intervient dans le conflit social en général.
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for the imprisoned anarchists
[Firenze] Concerto di solidarietà agli imputati nel processo “400colpi”
Hey Daniel McGowan… Get A Job!
Earlier this year, Daniel McGowan and his support crew put out a call for post-prison support. (That’s right, Daniel will be in a halfway house by the end of the year.) One of the conditions for his release is employment. And the search is still on. With the international eco-anarchist holiday, June 11, around the corner, what better way to celebrate than to pitch in on support for one of the movement’s most outspoken ecoprisoners. Please help to circulate the message below…
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[Ar] Primo compleanno di Ar.Core e benefit inguaiati
Arezzo – Sabato 16 giugno 2012
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Sur de Londres, Reino Unido: Mani solidaria contra la prisión, 5 de junio
Fuego a todas las prisiones. Por la destrucción de todas las prisiones y el sistema que las crea. La solidaridad es nuestra arma
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