Tag Archives: repression

G8-Gipfel in Genua – Haftstrafen gegen DemonstrantInnen teilweise bestätigt

übernommen von linksunten.indymedia.org

Während das Massaker in der Diaz-Schule und die Misshandlungn in der Polizeikaserne Bolzaneto faktisch straffrei bleiben, sollen die DemonstrantInnen für angebliche Sachbeschädigung bis zu 14 Jahre Knast absitzen.
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Rome: Eleven years after the G8 summit in Genoa, demonstrators were sentenced to prison

According to an initial report on linksunten.indymedia, on July 13th, 2012, the first senate of the Supreme Court of Cassation (the highest court in the Italian judicial system) partially confirmed the harsh verdict against the ten accused activists.
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Athens: The Greek judiciary succumbs to the pressure of the terror unit


Savvas Xiros has not yet been transferred to Thessaloniki’s hospital, and remains in the dungeon of Koridallos prisons. The public prosecutor of Piraeus reintroduced the case of Savvas’ motion for a stay of execution of his sentence. The prosecutor now demands that the prisoner will not be treated in a hospital of his own choice—as provided by law—but according to the choice of the antiterrorist unit of the Greek police.
Continue reading Athens: The Greek judiciary succumbs to the pressure of the terror unit