Tag Archives: olga e

Grecia: Solidaridad con la compa presa, Olga Ekonomidou, miembro de la CCF/FAI-FRI

Las prisiones no se mejoran, se destruyen con lucha, lucha, destrucción…

Martes, 29 de mayo de 2012:

La compa, Olga Ekonomidou, miembro de la organización anarquistas revolucionaria, Conspiración de las Células del Fuego, lleva en aislamiento 25 días en las prisiones de mujeres de Diavata debido a su rechazo a someterse al proceso, humillante para su dignidad, de cacheo con desnudo integral, rechazo que han realizado todxs lxs compas-miembros de la CCF.
Continue reading Grecia: Solidaridad con la compa presa, Olga Ekonomidou, miembro de la CCF/FAI-FRI

en it – Greece: Solidarity poster and callout for imprisoned anarchist Olga Ekonomidou


Prison abolition is what we fight for, since the prison system is only meant to isolate and exterminate people. Even by their own laws, any inmate’s isolation from the general prison population cannot exceed 10 consecutive days. But Olga has been in disciplinary/solitary confinement since May 4th, 2012, punished for defending her dignity and opposing strip searching. It must be noted that, after taking off their clothes, women are also obliged to squat so that the prison guards can look into their vaginal cavity (supposedly for anti-drug controls).
Continue reading en it – Greece: Solidarity poster and callout for imprisoned anarchist Olga Ekonomidou

en es it – Greece: Letter of CCF member Olga Ekonomidou (in solitary confinement of Diavata prisons)


Saturday, June 2nd, 2012

In this moment I am writing these few lines from inside isolation; 30 days of solitary confinement is the price I pay for my refusal to sell out my dignity and obey the humiliation of a full body search, which would last 5 minutes.

I remain unrepentant in my decision. I won’t give away even a second of compromise to prison guards. I will not exchange my refusals and choices with the ‘warmth’ of a standard cell and the ‘liberty’ of yard time among the general prison population.
Continue reading en es it – Greece: Letter of CCF member Olga Ekonomidou (in solitary confinement of Diavata prisons)

en it – Greece: Solidarity with imprisoned anarchist Olga Ekonomidou, member of CCF/FAI-IRF

Prisons are not improved; they are demolished with struggle, struggle, destruction…


Tuesday, May 29th, 2012

Comrade Olga Ekonomidou, member of the anarchist revolutionary organization Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, has been in solitary confinement for 25 days now in Diavata women’s prison, because she refused to undergo the—humiliating to her dignity—process of prison strip search, refusal realized by all comrades-members of CCF.
Continue reading en it – Greece: Solidarity with imprisoned anarchist Olga Ekonomidou, member of CCF/FAI-IRF


SOLIDRITY TO OLGA ECONOMIDOU by CCF & Theofilos Mavropoulos..

“Turn off the main switch in this dump. Here the beautiful becomes ugly, the choice becomes a habit and the meaningless important. Prison dirties creases and swallows pieces of dreams, desires, thoughts and feelings. Its most permanent residents, the majority of the prisoners are now a part of the appliances of the prisons. Bars, yard, cameras,locks, prisoners mix all together and re-enact the world of captivity. Nothing is worthy of captivity. Nothing is worthy in here. Come let’s go and don’t look back….Only fire will cleanse this place…..”

Αλληλεγγύη στην Όλγα Οικονομίδου μέλος της Σ.Π.Φ.-FAI/IRF

Η συντρόφισσα Όλγα Οικονομίδου μέλος της αναρχικής επαναστατικής οργάνωσης Συνωμοσία Πυρήνων της Φωτιάς βρίσκεται εδώ και 25 μέρες στην απομόνωση των γυναικείων φυλακών στα Διαβατά λόγω της άρνησής της να υποβληθεί στην εξευτελιστική για την αξιοπρέπειά της διαδικασία του σωματικού ελέγχου, άρνηση που πραγματώνουν και όλοι οι σύντροφοι – μέλη της Σ.Π.Φ.
Continue reading Αλληλεγγύη στην Όλγα Οικονομίδου μέλος της Σ.Π.Φ.-FAI/IRF

Greece: Solidarity with imprisoned anarchist Olga Ekonomidou, member of CCF/FAI-IRF

Prisons are not improved; they are demolished with struggle, struggle, destruction…


Tuesday, May 29th, 2012

Comrade Olga Ekonomidou, member of the anarchist revolutionary organization Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, has been in solitary confinement for 25 days now in Diavata women’s prison, because she refused to undergo the—humiliating to her dignity—process of prison strip search, refusal realized by all comrades-members of CCF.
Continue reading Greece: Solidarity with imprisoned anarchist Olga Ekonomidou, member of CCF/FAI-IRF