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Martes 5 Xuño as 20:30′ : Charla de Javi Ávila nas IX Xornadas Anarquistas de Compostela
A pneumonia do Javi, da que dábamos conta na noticia da suspensión das suas charlas en Compostela e A Coruña, remiteu a bo ritmo, e ainda que o compa segue ingresado, poderemos contar con el para este vindeiro martes día 5 na Biblioteca Anarquista “A Ghavilla” de Compostela às 20:30′, onde daranos conta dos seus anos de luita nos cárceres, da criación da APRE (Asociación de Presos en Régimen Especial) na que compartiu traxectoria con Xosé Tarrio, do régimen de aillamento que normalmente se aplica a presos que reivindican os seus direitos e doutras situacións que nos farán achegarnos à realidade carcerária das últimas decadas no estado español.
Por causa de datas, a charla no CSO Palavea de A Coruña queda suspendida.
Animadevos todas a vir a Compostela!!
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Anti-fascist and anti-nazi demonstrations taking place across Greece
No tolerance to the attacks of police and neonazi; we are together with the migrants. Hands off the Academic Asylum. Students Union of the Athens School of Economics
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Communique for June 11th International Day of Solidarity for Long-Term Anarchist Prisoners
from june11:
Everywhere that there exists dynamic struggle against the state and capitalism, there is some degree of repression. Capitalism knows well how to protect its interests, and it entails targeting and eradicating those who challenge it’s dominance. While we continue our daily struggle against this monster, we also fight to make sure our friends and comrades who have been imprisoned by the state aren’t forgotten, that their material and emotional needs are taken care of, and that they remain connected to the movements that they have been forcibly yanked away from.
Last year, as one small gesture to address this, June 11th was called as a yearly day of solidarity with two of our longest-imprisoned anarchist comrades, Marie Mason and Eric McDavid. While we realize that many of us have limited time or resources to put toward basic material support for prisoners, we hope that their names and stories, as well as the lessons learned from their cases, can become well known everywhere. In our actions and solidarity, we wish to draw connections between Marie’s and Eric’s cases and those of imprisoned anarchist comrades all over the world who are experiencing firsthand these alarming trends of lengthy sentences and increased repression. This is a preliminary call addressed to all those who fight against this prison society to take action on June 11th, in solidarity with Eric, Marie and all long-term anarchist prisoners.
The cases of Marie and Eric appear fundamentally different at first glance. We choose to connect them in the context of June 11th, not only because of their similar sentences and the fact that they both remained incredibly strong in the face of intense harassment, but also to highlight and analyze the U.S. government’s multi-faceted strategy of repression.
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June 11th: Solidarity with long-term anarchist prisoners @ Kebele Bristol uk
As part of the international day of solidarity on June 11th:
Bristol ABC presents an infonight/benefit evening for long-term U.S. anarchist prisoners Eric McDavid & Marie Mason. We will be sharing food, discussing the latest on Eric & Marie’s case and watching a short documentary on Jeff “Free” Luers.
6:30pm: Vegan food served (Suggested donation: £3)
7:30pm: Discussion on Eric & Marie’s case
8:00pm: Film screening of ‘The Jeff Luers Story‘ (40 mins).
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Day of Action in Support of John Bowden MON 11th JUNE 2012
Day of Action in Support of John Bowden
Monday 11th June
Imprisoned since 1980, (and in fact for most of his life before that), John Bowden has been a thorn in the side of the English and Scottish prison systems for three decades. John has paid a heavy price for being a staunch defender of prisoners’ rights and a committed opponent of injustice, spending years in the most brutal conditions, and suffering numerous physical assaults and treatment that has frequently amounted to torture.
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Concentración por la okupación – Martes 5 junio 2012
En este momento histórico, duro para tod@s, donde cada día muchas personas se plantean cómo sobrevivir por ese sucio invento que es el dinero, la okupación se encuentra igualmente en una situación muy complicada para lograr permanecer siendo lo que es: una alternativa real al sistema social impuesto.
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