In the years that followed the decomposition of the bureaucratic regimes of eastern Europe, several “eulogizers” of our civilization coined the description of the latest collective illusion to mark Western life. That description—and who remembers anything else?—was the end of History. Not just the victory of liberal capitalism over state capitalism, wrongly called communism, but the idea that a world definitively pacified, a world forgetful of past horrors, wars and massacres, would be born from this victory. A happy world, perhaps just a bit boring, the planetary advent of civilization after centuries of blood. This idea has experienced alternating destinies for some time, to the detriment of those few who still see the horror precisely in this civilization and those many who have seen the daily horror of civilization tattoo itself forever on their skin. While the more ingenuous among the parties interested in the maintenance of the world order slept tranquilly on the end of History,a not very small part of those who wanted to put history back in motion slept just as placidly.
Continue reading A War Nearby by Lope Vargas (Diavolo In Corpo)
Tag Archives: en
Autonomous Self-Organization and Anarchist Intervention: A Tension in Practice by Wolfi Landstreicher
Introduction: a few definitions and explanations
Any potentially liberatory struggle among the exploited and dispossessed must be based on autonomous self-organization. As anarchists, who are also usually among the exploited, we have every reason to participate in and encourage these struggles. But since we have specific ideas of how we want to go about our struggles and a specifically revolutionary aim, our participation takes the form of an intervention seeking to move the struggles in a specific direction. Having no desire to be any sort of vanguard or leadership or to be caught up in the joyless game of politicking, we find ourselves in a tension of trying to live our conception of struggle and freedom within the context of an unfree reality, of trying to confront the real daily problems we face with our own refusal to play by the rules of this world. Thus, the question of autonomous self-organization and anarchist intervention is an ongoing problem with which to grapple, refusing to fall into easy answers and faith in organizational panaceas. To begin exploring this question let’s start with a few definitions and explanations.
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en de – Hunting Tower Destroyed – germany
anonymous report:
“we destroyed a hunting tower near loehne in western germany. once more. so in the last few weeks several hunting towers were destroyed in this area.
we want to encourage everyone to start actions against animal abuse. for us a hammer was useful, maybe also for you.
militant forces against hunting”
Continue reading en de – Hunting Tower Destroyed – germany
Radio Autonomía: Zapatismo in the Bay — JUNE 2012 SHOW
AUDIOS from the June 3, 2012 broadcast of Radio Autonomía: Zapatismo in the Bay (formerly Relatos Zapatistas) on Berkeley Liberation Radio, 104.1FM, livestream at
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South African intel officials faked threats to increase spy budget
The tendency of some spy agencies to overstate security threats in order to secure governmental funds is hardly novel. But officials in the South African Secret Service appear to have gone a step further: they allegedly paid some of their informants to make bogus threats against the government, in order to prompt an increase in counterterrorist funding. According to Pretoria News, which is owned by The Independent, South Africa’s largest newspaper consortium, the bogus threats were aimed at creating “a false impression of imminent, unprecedented attacks on black people and African National Congress (ANC) members”.
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Parking meters sabotaged in solidarity with Eric McDavid & Marie Mason — St. Louis, MO
“Last night, more than 50 parking meters in a bar district and an up-and-coming artist district of St. Louis were made inoperable with glue, paint and hammers.
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(it-en-es) Aggiornamento sul secondo caso Halandri: riassunto del giorno 21 (venerdì, 8 giugno)
L’udienza del tribunale militare che si sta formando nella prigione femminile del carcere di Korydallos è durata questa volta solo 15 minuti, poiché i compagni Damiano Bolano, Christos Tsakalos, Giorgos e Mihalis Nikolopoulos hanno abbandonato, per la seconda volta, l’aula del tribunale, rimanendo coerenti con le dichiarazioni fatte la settimana scorsa. Allora, hanno chiarito che finché la compagna Olga Ikonomidou continuerà ad essere rinchiusa in una cella d’isolamento nelle segrete di Diavata, loro, come dimostrazione di solidarietà, abbandoneranno l’aula durante ogni udienza e cercheranno la sospensione del processo. Lo stesso ha fatto il compagno Haris Hadjimihelakis, un testimone nel caso, che ha mandato una dichiarazione scritta spiegando che non parlerà in quanto Olga Ikonomidou è in isolamento.
Continue reading (it-en-es) Aggiornamento sul secondo caso Halandri: riassunto del giorno 21 (venerdì, 8 giugno)
Mexico: Communique for the sending of 2 explosive packages to the Greek embassy
from liberaciontotal, transl waronsociety, communique from Cell of Revolutionary Action for the Destruction of the State – Autonomous Cells for Immediate Revolution – Praxedis G. Guerrero:
“The struggle against the government turns into,
in the final count, the physical and material struggle…
The government makes the law…
It is thus necessary to prepare oneself morally and materially so that,
upon the explosion of the violent revolt, the victory will be the people’s…”
– Errico Malatesta,
“Anarchist Program” (Bologna, July 1920)
in Umanità Nova, August 12, 1920
Continue reading Mexico: Communique for the sending of 2 explosive packages to the Greek embassy
The Triumph of the Destroyer Genius
–receive and transmit
translate by PAROLE ARMATE
Ah! The smell and the stink are mixing themselves. To climb the vertex, you need sharp nails and hands ready to bear the most painful wounds.
en es – Summary of day 21 (Friday, June 8) of 2nd Halandri Case trial
The court martial session at Korydallos Women’s Prison lasted just 15 minutes, since comrades Damiano Bolano, Christos Tsakalos, and Giorgos and Michalis Nikolopoulos walked out of the courtroom for the second session in a row, staying faithful to the statements they made at the last session. Those statements made it clear that as long as comrade Olga Economidou remains locked up in a solitary confinement cell in the dungeons of Diavata, the defendants—as a display of solidarity—will walk out of every trial session and push for the trial’s suspension. Comrade Haris Hatzimichelakis, a witness in the case, followed suit by sending in a written statement explaining that he will not be testifying as long as Economidou remains in solitary confinement.
Continue reading en es – Summary of day 21 (Friday, June 8) of 2nd Halandri Case trial