Desde la Cárcel de Alta Seguridad, Marcelo Villarroel -un ex lautarista formalizado por el asalto al banco Security en que murió el cabo de Carabineros Luis Moyano, en octubre de 2007- aceptó contestar parte de un largo cuestionario que le mandamos hace algunas semanas. Villarroel, que ya estuvo preso en el mismo lugar en los 90, formó parte del colectivo Kamina Libre, que hoy es sindicado por el fiscal Alejandro Peña como uno de los orígenes del “Caso Bombas”. Acá, con la incomodidad de responder un cuestionario, explica qué es ser anarquista y cómo fue su evolución ideológica.
Continue reading es en – Marcelo Villarroel, desde la CAS:“Los ataques sostenidos a la paz social de los ricos van a continuar” (Octubre de 2010 )
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VIII Mostra del Llibre Anarquista de Barcelona
Del 25 de Juny a l’1 de Juliol de 2012
Una setmana d’activitats, xerrades, debats i presentacions de llibres
per enfortir el pensament rebel i avançar cap a una societat lliure.
Eight Hours Too Many? by E. Kerr (Diavolo In Corpo)
Work less to live more. What a beautiful slogan! I wonder if the one who coined it understood the unintended truth it contains, that work is the negation of life. “Eight hours of obligation is enough to exhaust a person’s energy. What he gives at work is his life, the better part of her strength. Even if the work has not degraded her, even if she has not felt himself overcome by boredom and fatigue, he leaves exhausted, diminished, with the imagination withered.” So a worker wrote several decades ago. Anyone who has worked even for just one day understands the meaning of these words. This is why the reduction of work hours has always been one of the primary demands of those who don’t commission the work, but who carry it out, and so bear its entire burden.
Continue reading Eight Hours Too Many? by E. Kerr (Diavolo In Corpo)
Demands by A. G. C. (Diavolo In Corpo)
“What do you want, my children? Jobs? Regional autonomy? A pay raise? The vote at the age of 15? Retirement at the age of 45? Equality of the sexes? Keep on asking in order and all of your complaints will be properly treated with the due form.”
Continue reading Demands by A. G. C. (Diavolo In Corpo)
325: (it-en-es) Oltre il “Movimento” – Anarchia!
traduzione in italiano:
Continue reading 325: (it-en-es) Oltre il “Movimento” – Anarchia!
(it-es-en) – Federico Buono and Maurizio De Simone Texts (Edizioni Cerbero)
(it-en-es) Inferno Personale
(es-it-en) Invitación a multiplicar los ataques al poder en solidaridad con nuestro hermano Tortuga
escrito por Algunxs Antisociales
Continue reading (es-it-en) Invitación a multiplicar los ataques al poder en solidaridad con nuestro hermano Tortuga
But Which History Is This? by Adreba Solneman
History is a progression toward the origin. Every new beginning in reality transforms all known time. But history is also one: plurality is now a moral slogan, like tolerance. The historians who recount it, who comment on it, who analyze it, obscure its visibility: history is the past! So no one will think of making use of it to transform the present.
Continue reading But Which History Is This? by Adreba Solneman
es en – Reflexiones sobre el Centro Social Okupado y Biblioteca Sacco y Vanzetti
“En tiempos donde se reivindica la ausencia de valores, yo sigo levantando la espada del orgullo, el honor, la rebeldía, la lealtad, la solidaridad, la valentía y ese conjunto de valores me empuja a analizar la historia, nuestra historia de lucha.”
Continue reading es en – Reflexiones sobre el Centro Social Okupado y Biblioteca Sacco y Vanzetti
en it – Fire Cells Conspiracy: Solidarity with Anarchist Rami Syrianos
Although Syrianos already ended his hunger strike (which lasted from May 15–21, at which point he was finally transferred to Larissa Prison from solitary confinement at Nigrita Prison), and his trial also recently finished (he was sentenced to eight years and eight months in prison), we present the following communiqué released by our comrades in the Fire Cells Conspiracy:
Continue reading en it – Fire Cells Conspiracy: Solidarity with Anarchist Rami Syrianos