Maurizio Ferrari, resistente No Tav prigioniero dal 26 gennaio è stato trasferito dal 16 giugno nel carcere di Cuneo, dove viene sottoposto a regime di isolamento duro, blocco della posta in entrata e in uscita, mancata consegna di libri e letture che gli vengono spediti, aria da solo in un cortiletto di cemento. Sperano di piegarlo con questa totale privazione di relazioni umane, ma sappiamo che il compagno sta resistendo a testa alta.
Continue reading it/en – Prigionieri No Tav – Solidarietà urgente per Maurizio Ferrari
Tag Archives: en
Translated by Act for freedom now/boubourAs
(it/fr/en/de)- Contrastare la repressione: riflesso condizionato o moto proprio?
Tira una brutta aria, inutile nasconderlo. Talmente brutta che persino fra le anime belle della sinistra serpeggia una certa preoccupazione e si denuncia in maniera sempre più veemente l’instaurazione di un “regime” da parte dell’attuale governo. È vero, a destra non hanno mai dimenticato la propria tradizionale inclinazione per l’olio di ricino e il manganello, ma resta il fatto che repressione, censura e divieti sono il pane quotidiano che ci propina ogni forma di governo, quale esso sia. In realtà, al di là della fazione politica momentaneamente incaricata di amministrarlo, è questo mondo a senso unico ad esigere una vita a senso unico, fatta di un pensiero a senso unico e d’un comportamento a senso unico… in un’autentica coerenza dell’abiezione. Fino alla messa al bando di ogni critica, d’ogni dissenso, d’ogni opposizione, che laddove si verificano vengono puntualmente isolate, circoscritte, calunniate, soffocate, rinchiuse.
Continue reading (it/fr/en/de)- Contrastare la repressione: riflesso condizionato o moto proprio?
STATEMENT OF SOLIDARITY BY the anarchist r.o. ccf which was readduring the second trial of the halandri case on 2/3/12 by damiano bolano. Athens
translate by boubourAs/actforfreedomnow! with respect and revolutionary solidarity
Continue reading STATEMENT OF SOLIDARITY BY the anarchist r.o. ccf which was readduring the second trial of the halandri case on 2/3/12 by damiano bolano. Athens
Operation Ardire – Update on the next hearings (Italy)
Operation Ardire – Update on the next hearings
Continue reading Operation Ardire – Update on the next hearings (Italy)
‘Fundamental Principles of the Italian Criminal Trial’ by Federico Buono (Edizioni Cerbero)
Nihilism is not only a contemplation of the vanity of things or the conviction that all things deserve to go in ruin; one puts oneself at work and ruins things… this is, so to speak, illogical; but the nihilist doesn’t believe in the constraint of being logic… it is the state of strong spirits and wills and they can’t stay motionless in front of the no ‘of the judgement’ – the no of action comes from their nature.
Continue reading ‘Fundamental Principles of the Italian Criminal Trial’ by Federico Buono (Edizioni Cerbero)
en/it/gr/es – Greece: ‘Chaos just around the corner’ –by the R.O. Conspiracy of Cells of Fire and Theofilos Mavropoulos
(Italy, Mexico, Greece)
Prague: Squat Milada brutally evicted after an attempt to make a one-off commemorative gig
The Prague’s renowned squat Villa Milada, which was evicted three years ago after being one of the most important places for Czech autonomous underground scene, had been occupied by approximately 30 people on Saturday June 30th to commemorate the bleak anniversary by an improvised hardcore punk gig.
Continue reading Prague: Squat Milada brutally evicted after an attempt to make a one-off commemorative gig
Anarchist NATO Prisoners Migs and Sabi Need Support
Lost in all the hype surrounding the NATO 3 and Tinley Park 5, two other anarchist prisoners are languishing in Cook County Jail in need of support. Mark Neiweem (Migs) and Sebastian Senakiewicz (Sabi) are being held on serious charges and exorbitant bail. Both were arrested before the NATO summit on bogus accusations involving explosives. Migs is charged with attempting to purchase pipe bomb ingredients form an informant, while Sabi allegedly plotted to blow up a train bridge.
Continue reading Anarchist NATO Prisoners Migs and Sabi Need Support
en/de – Police car arsoned – an arrest
While the police were busy to assert the damages against a tram stop, a passer-byer made them notice how their car was burning.
Continue reading en/de – Police car arsoned – an arrest