Tag Archives: a m bonanno

Alfredo Bonanno intervistato da Radio Onda Rossa il 20 novembre 1997 sul Processo ROS-Marini contro gli anarchici

Radio Onda Rossa – Abbiamo raggiunto telefonicamente Alfredo Bonanno uno dei due compagni scarcerati in seguito di un ricorso in Corte di Cassazione il 30/10/97 dopo 13 mesi di reclusione.
Entriamo nel merito del processo specificatamente per i due capi di imputazione: banda armata ed associazione sovversiva, visto anche che secondo gli inquirenti ci sarebbe questa O.R.A.I. (organizzazione rivoluzionaria anarchica insurrezionalista) capeggiata da Alfredo Bonanno.
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The Reverse Road by Alfredo M. Bonanno

Times of doubt and uncertainty have arrived. New and old fears spur the search for guarantees. In the market where human affairs are managed, new models of comfort are briskly haggled over. Madonnas weep, politicians make promises; everywhere war and misery, savagery and horror are rife, rendering us now unable to even feel outrage, let alone to rebel.
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The Obscure Clarity of Words by Alfredo M. Bonanno

One who writes, perhaps even more than one who speaks, is called to clarify, to bring light. A problem is posed – the problem of something the one who writes should be concerned with since otherwise his respect would be deprived of meaning. This problem is illuminated by the use of words, by a specific use, capable of being organized within the shell of certain rules and in view of a perspective to be attained.
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The Obscure Clarity of Words by Alfredo M. Bonanno

One who writes, perhaps even more than one who speaks, is called to clarify, to bring light. A problem is posed – the problem of something the one who writes should be concerned with since otherwise his respect would be deprived of meaning. This problem is illuminated by the use of words, by a specific use, capable of being organized within the shell of certain rules and in view of a perspective to be attained.
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