(es-it-en) Conspiración Internacional por la Venganza-FAI:Ataque contra Banco Santander en Buenos Aires

En el día de hoy, lunes 21 de mayo, alrededor de la 1 de la madrugada, atacamos el banco Santander río, ubicado sobre la calle Paraná entre Tucumán y Viamonte. Para esto nos servimos de 2 litros de material inflamable, más 4 latas de gas butano, y un mecanismo de inicio. El fuego destrozo completamente la parte delantera del banco, inutilizando los 4 cajeros automáticos que allí se encontraban, además de reventar varios cristales. Esta acción la enmarcamos como un recuerdo activo al guerrero Mauricio Morales, fallecido hace 3 años por la explosión de su propia bomba destinada a la escuela de carceleros en Chile. Y con cariño para Luciano “Tortuga” Pitronello, herido tras el ataque a un banco Santander el año pasado, hoy preso. Así entendemos la solidaridad, parándonos ahí donde un compañero “cayo”, para radicalizar y profundizar nuestras practicas.
Continue reading (es-it-en) Conspiración Internacional por la Venganza-FAI:Ataque contra Banco Santander en Buenos Aires

Freiburg, Germany: Solidarity graffiti for accused comrades

As a small sign of solidarity with imprisoned and prosecuted comrades in France, Denmark and worldwide, a graffiti has been placed in striking distance to the station of Pressehaus, in the city of Freiburg.

The station’s wall is now decorated with the slogans: “Solidarity with Isa, Juan, Damien, Ivan, Fari, Bruno and the 5 comrades in Copenhagen! Our struggle is no terrorism! Fight the law! (A)”

Our thoughts are constantly with our friends who are facing a trial under accusations of terrorism. Despite the ongoing criminalization against the anarchist movement, the will for change is unbroken without any limits. Rage against the dominating conditions and love for freedom are thereby the motivations of previous, present and future struggles.
For freedom and for anarchy – destroy the hierarchy!

by “anna chismus” / source: linksunten.indymedia.org


(videos) Anarquistas nihilistas – Noche de coches quemados.

Recuento de los vehículos quemados en Cataluña y Barcelona durante el 2011 y lo que va de 2012.

¡!!La ciudad de las bombas volverá a arder!!!

Pedralbes – 27 de Marzo de 2010.

En el barrio rico de Pedralbes, a las 16:30 de la tarde y aprovechando la ausencia de viandantes en exceso,  se atacó con coctels molotov un pequeño aparcamiento de ciclomotores de gama alta calando fuego a un numero 5 motos.
Continue reading (videos) Anarquistas nihilistas – Noche de coches quemados.

Berlin: Solidarity gathering for the imprisoned anarchists from Istanbul


On Friday, May 18th, 2012, a gathering in solidarity with arrested anarchists from Istanbul took place in front of the Turkish embassy in Berlin. Several house searches of personal residences, social centres and collectives happened on Monday, May 14th, 2012, in Istanbul (Turkey) and in this context 60 activists got arrested, while PCs, hard drives and other private documents were seized and confiscated by police.

The cops used the actions which took place on May Day in Istanbul as a pretext to legitimize the arrests and house searches. But, in this context, it turned up that the social movements in Istanbul are under special observation by the repression organs since one year. First, the police denied the lawyers of the activists to get in contact with the imprisoned and find out their identities. It wasn’t clear whether they are exclusively anarchist activists, or if also their friends became a target of police. Until the evening of May 17th, 45 detainees were released, and further 15 people were still held in custody and awaiting trial (on May 18th)*. Private documents are still confiscated. Thus, none of the released activists is safe or acquitted.

With this gathering in front of the Turkish embassy in Berlin, we wanted and want to show our solidarity with the detained activists and social movements in Istanbul. During the gathering we informed passersby through speeches, we shared out leaflets (in Turkish and German) and protested loudly against the repression in Istanbul. Furthermore, we expressed our general hopes for a society freed from any kind of prison and oppression.

Love and anarchy!
Some freedom-loving anarchists

* According to the latest report, 9 anarchists were ordered to be remanded in custody.


–extract from



es en de – Berlín: Ataque incendiario contra una máquina de venda de billetes

Trajimos una máquina de billetes de la VBB para dejarla junto a un artefacto incendario. Se envolvió en llamas en la estación de Westhafen y sigue allí como símbolo de la demanda de un servicio de transporte público y gratuito. Tenemos la esperanza de que lxs pasajerxs apoyarán esta acción y no comprarán ningún billete hoy.

Una vez más, la policía no reporta ninguna acción, desde que temen la difusión masiva de acciones contra lxs extorsionadorxs y lxs estafadorxs. ¡Y tienen motivos!.

¡Os seguiremos alimentando con piedras mientras que no os vayáis a la mierda!

publicado en linksunten el 25 de abril
traducido a través de la versión inglesa por vozcomoarma


Ticket machine arsoned

the following claim appeared on linksunten.indymedia.org

„we brought a ticket machine of the VBB to stand by through an arson device. It went down in flames at the station of Westhafen and stays symbolically for the demand of a free public transport. We hope that the passengers will greet this action and won’t buy any ticket today.

Once again the police do not report any actions, since they fear the mass-spread of actions against the racketeers and rip-offers.
And with a reason!“

ticketautomat ausser betrieb in berlin

Durch einen brennsatz haben wir heute einen Fahrscheinautomaten des VBB ausgeschaltet. An der Ringbahnhaltestelle Westhafen ging er in Flammen auf und steht symbolisch für die forderung nach kostenlosem öffentlichen nahverkehr. die fahrgäste der bahn werden das hoffentlich begrüßen und an diesem tag kein ticket kaufen. die polizei meldet in ihrem täglichen bericht mal wieder nichts, da sie angst vor massenhaften aktionen gegen den wucher und die abzocke durch die verkehrskonzerne hat.

zu recht

  Continue reading es en de – Berlín: Ataque incendiario contra una máquina de venda de billetes

La Federazione Anarchica Italiana e la Federazione Anarchica Informale…

Continuano su televisioni, radio (di stato e private), giornali (di regime e di controinformazione), e blog di ogni tipo ad essere diffusi comunicati, dichiarazioni e interviste sui fatti di Genova. Criminologi, sociologi, analisti, pentiti, dissociati, ex-lottarmatisti, esuli e via discorrendo, tutti a disquisire sul “ritorno alla lotta armata” e ad auspicare una repressione feroce ed esemplare.

Adesso è la volta della Federazione Anarchica Italiana, attraverso un suo esponente intervistato da una radio di movimento. L’intervista ed un articolo riassuntivo sono su:


* * * * *

Nessun commento da parte nostra.

Fermo restando tutto l’appoggio e la complicità nei confronti degli anarchici d’azione segnaliamo, soltanto, che sono tanti gli individualisti ed i nichilisti ad esprimere una vera e propria insofferenza nei confronti di qualsiasi acronimo.

–da culmine


Rapallo (Genova) -Bomba carta esplode davanti al seggio

fonte: stampa di regime, 21.05.12

Una bomba carta è esplosa intorno alle 3 del mattino di lunedì all’interno di un cassonetto dei rifiuti nei pressi di un seggio elettorale a Rapallo. La bomba carta di Rapallo è esplosa proprio nella piazza del Comune. Il boato è stato così fragoroso da far scendere in strada diversi residenti della zona. Sul posto hanno operato tutte le forze di polizia e i vigili del fuoco per spegnere altri tre cassonetti dati alle fiamme. L’azione, per gli investigatori, è dolosa ed è collegata all’incendio di due auto della polizia municipale avvenuto poco distante. Le due macchine, come confermano i carabinieri, della polizia locale sono state date alle fiamme sotto al comando mentre due dei quattro cassonetti incendiati si trovano nei pressi della scuola dove sono allestiti i seggi. Non ci sono persone ferite.


Athens – Solidarity Benefetit Consert for the Revolutionary Struggle case

Benefit Concert for the R.S. case.


Entrance 3 euro

Athens, Saturday May 26th 2012, 21.00

Polytechnic University (polutexneio)

Assembly for R.S. case

The concert is being held in order to cover a part of the court expenses of the comrades

who are tried for the case of the Revolutionary Struggle

as well as for the organization of a two-day event on June 7th and 8th at Pandio university

– For the struggle and the Revolution- where will participate invited comrades from Europe.

