Equitalia: esplode ordigno a Viterbo

fonte: agenzia stampa, 18.05.2012

Un ordigno rudimentale, quasi certamente di produzione artigianale, è stato fatto esplodere durante la scorsa notte, davanti all’ingresso della sede di Equitalia a Viterbo. Non ci sono stati danni alle persone, anche perché a quell’ora, intorno a mezzanotte e mezza, gli uffici erano chiusi. La deflagrazione ha invece leggermente danneggiato il portone. Sono in corso indagini da parte della Digos per risalire agli autori del gesto.

Barcelona: Anarquistas nihilistas – Noche de coches quemados (Catalonia)

Wildfire for every nationstate, the rich who run the economy and the faithful citizens. 325 receives and transmits: (Find the English translation of text below on waronsociety)

Recuento de los vehículos quemados en Cataluña y Barcelona durante el 2011 y lo que va de 2012.

¡!!La ciudad de las bombas volverá a arder!!!

Continue reading Barcelona: Anarquistas nihilistas – Noche de coches quemados (Catalonia)

¡Jean Marc Rouillan En Libertad Condicional!

Desde el viernes 18 de mayo por la mañana, jean Marc Rouillan está en libertad condicional. El martes fue rechazada la apelación de la fiscalía conttra la decisión del Tribunal de aplicación de penas de París de ponerle en libertad condicional. Llevaba un año  en régimen de semilibertad, en la calle, pero sin poder moverse de Marsella donde terabajaba en la editorial Agone, controlado a través de una pulera electrónica. Después de haber pasado más de 24 años en la cárcel tendrá que someterse todavía durante seis años a numerosas mediadas dce control: por ejemplo, no prodrá salir del departamento de Bouches-du-Rhône,y tendrá que entregar una parte de su salario mensual a las familias de Georges Besse y del general Audran por cuyas muertes fue condenado.



Summary of day 18 (Wednesday, May 16) of 2nd Halandri Case trial

The session began with the following statement read by comrade Christos Tsakalos:

A few days ago, some exceptional news transformed the slow death of prison into a sign of life.

In Italy, our brothers and sisters from the Olga Cell of the Informal Anarchist Federation/International Revolutionary Front rewarded Roberto Adinolfi—head of nuclear energy company Ansaldo Nucleare—with three bullets in his legs. An enemy fell to the ground and a marvelous beacon of war dawned.

At this very moment, black-clad messengers of destruction are continuing to carry the flame of anarchy in the most faraway places.

They are our brothers and sisters from the Bolivian Informal Anarchist Federation, who tirelessly attack the frozen immobility of social death. This time, they placed an explosive device at a business that imports Renault cars from France.

We have some ugly news for this world’s law-abiding citizens.

Continue reading Summary of day 18 (Wednesday, May 16) of 2nd Halandri Case trial

Summary of day 17 (Friday, May 11) of 2nd Halandri Case trial

<a href

Former Antiterrorist Unit chief D. Horianopoulos finally made an appearance after multiple requests to subpoena him. Despite being the one who set up—at least on an operational level—the Halandri arrests, he now tried to pass himself off as a simple “office worker” who signed warrants from his desk and was only in the loop thanks to other Antiterrorist officers. Using the tactic of “I know, saw, and heard nothing,” he said there was no surveillance or pursuit until September 20, 2009—three days before the raid on Haris Hatzimichelakis’ apartment in Halandri—and that the only information assisting the Police in targeting said apartment came from an anonymous telephone call.

Continue reading Summary of day 17 (Friday, May 11) of 2nd Halandri Case trial

Il carcere nel cervello…

Culmine riceve da RadioAzione

E’ oramai chiarissima l’intenzione, da parte dei media, di dare più eco al rumore che causa il ferimento ad una gamba di un dirigente dell’Ansaldo Nucleare che le migliaia di vittime che negli anni il nucleare stesso ha provocato, anche per colpa di gente come Adinolfi. Si chiede a voce forte l’intervento dell’esercito, ma questo non ci meraviglia. La stampa nazionale, ed i media tutti, sono da sempre la voce dei partiti e delle questure. In un clima che inizia a riscaldarsi la voce del governante di turno, del politico o del questurino si alza attraverso le pagine dei quotidiani cercando di creare un clima di terrore generale che possa togliere l’attenzione dagli avvenimenti che stanno caratterizzando questo ultimo anno il “bel paese”.

Continue reading Il carcere nel cervello…

Vertice Abisso numero-Foglio Egoista Nichilista 4

Questo è il file per scaricare il numero quattro di “Vertice Abisso“:

This is the link for the download of number four of “Vertice Abisso“:


In questo numero:

Editoriale: La Sacra Sindrome

Ritorna il boato delle parole armate

CCF – 250 nuove accuse, comunicato di rivendicazione

Lettera di Theofilos Mavropoulos in merito alle 250 accuse

Maurizio De mone – Il pugnale avvelenato del nichilista, dibattito con Entropia – II Giustizia

Redazione Edizioni Cerbero – La rivendicazione di un di-rompimento singolativo, dibattito con Entropia – I Solidarietà





Chicago, IL: Attack on White Nationalist Economic Summit; several fascists hospitalized; 5 comrades arrested

from antiracistaction:

In response to Mob Attacked Specific Group of People Inside Tinley Park Restaurant

On Saturday, May 19th a group of 30 anti-fascists descended upon Ashford House restaurant in the Chicago suburb of Tinley Park where the 5th annual White Nationalist Economic Summit and Illinois White Nationalist Meet-and-Greet was taking place. The White Nationalists were targeted inside the restaurant and physically attacked, causing several injuries and completely shutting down their meeting. The anti-fascist group was privy to anonymous inside information. This fascist event had been in secret planning for six months. The attendees have attempted to cover up the true intent of the event with mainstream media reports initially reporting the white nationalist conference as a wedding party and then as an Irish heritage meeting. The event was advertised on www.stormfront.org, an established white nationalist fascist internet forum.

Anti-fascists oppose any organizing by racists and fascist in their communities. Fascist and white nationalist organizing has resulted in a number of horrifying incidents, from the recent J.T. Ready shootings in Arizona to the Benjamin Nathaniel Smith shooting in the West Rogers Park neighborhood in Chicago, as just two examples.

These anti-fascists are committed to shutting down and attacking any racist, nationalist, or fascist organizers or individuals that they encounter